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December 10, 2021

Living Our Culture Sustains the Team That Delivers With Care

In my last blog, we discussed HORNE's unprecedented growth. We know outstanding client experience got us to the dance. Make no mistake, it’s not our approach or our IT and knowledge management systems. It’s that we’ve found, developed and retained more than our fair share of excellent people. And modeling our culture will keep us there and ensure we get invited to the next one.

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Topics: Culture, Team Building

October 28, 2021

Delivering with Care and Modeling Wise Firm Culture in a Period of Explosive Growth

Over the last 15 months, HORNE has experienced unprecedented growth in our number of team members, revenue, the markets we serve and the services we provide. These are exhilarating times and we should all feel good that our hard work is being rewarded. 

We are where we are today for two reasons: 

  1. We have kept the main thing the main thing and have done the main thing better than our client expected.
  2. Through the good and bad times, our leaders have modeled our culture.
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Topics: Growth, Culture, Leadership

April 22, 2021

What Judging Others Really Means and How To Avoid It

To judge is human nature, and researchers have found that passing judgment has more to do with ourselves than others. That said, we ultimately judge because of our own insecurities. Earl Nightingale once said, “When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.” Eeek! We judge all the time and we don’t even realize it — strangers in a restaurant, new people on their first day, actions/words in everyday life (boy, that email was scathing). The heart of the matter is, judgment can be extremely detrimental to relationships, work environments and our own psyches. 

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Topics: Attitude, Leadership, Character

December 31, 2020

How Culture Mattered in 2020

2020 has been a year like no other. The way we work, live and look at the future changed drastically. But as we look back, one thing was clear – culture mattered more than ever. Thankfully, our team members didn’t shy away from hard topics and felt empowered to share their personal stories.

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Topics: Empowered People, Gratitude, Goal Setting

September 10, 2020

How to Approach Difficult Conversations

I will be the first to admit that I do not enjoy difficult conversations (and I know I am not alone). Many of us cringe at the thought. Sometimes we avoid them altogether or stall at the very least. Other times, we are filled with so much anxiety that the conversation isn’t even effective. However, difficult conversations are a part of life and we better get used to them because they aren’t going anywhere. In fact, delaying or avoiding conversations can make the situation worse.

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Topics: Communication

July 09, 2020

Career Growth Without Limits

I started my career at HORNE back in 2010 as an administrative assistant on the firm's first-ever Texas project. So, I've really seen our work in Texas grow from inception and I've played many roles on our team during that time. Today, I am a senior manager and a member of HORNE's partner development program. But my biggest accomplishment to date has been the ability to maintain an impactful career and also build my family.

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Topics: Empowered People, Ownership, Growth Mindset

June 11, 2020

Are You Coachable?

“Never miss a free throw; they are free.” I heard my coach’s words as I stood on the line at the end of my high school career. Feet staggered, just about shoulder length apart. The ref threw me the ball. I bent my knees, bounced it three times, down and up and follow through - swish, nothing but net. The ref threw me the ball for the second shot. Down and up and follow through and swish, sunk it again.

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Topics: People Development, Life-Long Learning, Goals

May 07, 2020

You Don’t Hate It. You Strongly Dislike It.

Growing up, there are a number of activities that, quite frankly, were not very exciting — cleaning the room, folding laundry. Things that never disappear entirely but do become more tolerable. As an adolescent, though, there was only one word to describe how I felt about these little, unending maintenance activities: Hate. 

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Topics: Positive Energy, Mindset, Remote Work

April 23, 2020

Determining Circles of Control During a Pandemic

If you feel like there is no way for you to focus on your job right now, you aren’t alone. It’s perfectly sensible to feel like you’re unable to focus on pressing through normal, routine tasks when things feel so… abnormal.

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Topics: Time Management, COVID-19, uncertainty