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September 06, 2018

Are We Using Our Leadership Gifts?

Every day at HORNE is an opportunity to advance the firm along its journey to build the Wise Firm. We have 13 building blocks that define the Wise Firm and arguably nine of them are not technical or task focused. Those building blocks We & Service (the foundation of the Wise Firm), Collaboration, External Focus, Sense of Belonging, Relationships, Hard Decisions, Honor Values, Empowered People, and Positive Energy — speak to our team members and the leadership they deserve.

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Topics: Growth, Building a Wise Firm, Future View, Leadership

July 12, 2018

The Drive to Number One

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of attending the 2018 Domino’s World Rally in Las Vegas. The amount of team unity and energy radiated by the participants and franchisees from across the globe was staggering. This year’s conference theme was “Drive.” HORNE was one of the exhibitors.

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Topics: Results, Growth, Future View