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December 31, 2020

How Culture Mattered in 2020

2020 has been a year like no other. The way we work, live and look at the future changed drastically. But as we look back, one thing was clear – culture mattered more than ever. Thankfully, our team members didn’t shy away from hard topics and felt empowered to share their personal stories.

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Topics: Empowered People, Gratitude, Goal Setting

March 01, 2018

Will These Regrets End Up on Your List?

I recently read an article on common regrets of older people as they looked back over their lives. I realized that I still had time to impact and improve my life and career as I kept reading. Here are the main regrets that stuck out to me and how I plan to not add them to my personal regret list. 

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Topics: Full Potential, Goal Setting, Forward Thinking, Windshield View

November 09, 2017

Own Your Career, Own Your Success - Part 2

Last week, I shared the first 10 takeaways for owning your career in Part 1 of this blog series. So, below are the next 10 tips to take your success into your own hands and own your career.

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Topics: Communication, Feedback, Full Potential, Goal Setting, Ownership

March 16, 2017

4 Steps to Achieve Your Goals in 2017

2017 came on strong. You set new goals, discussed them with your team for input and maybe even captured them somewhere to help keep you accountable. So there you are, full of energy and ready to shoot for the stars.

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Topics: Goal Setting