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December 21, 2017

What Are You Known For?

To most HORNE team members in other locations, I am that loud Noo Yaww-ker from Lawn-guy-land that buzzes through greeting all at a decibel intended to be heard over a passing subway train. I tawwk loud and fast and will say, "Waz up" to anyone I encounter. I don’t drink caw-fee, but love a good bay-gle—which, by the way, you can’t get in the south. Fuhgeddaboudit!

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Topics: Perspective, Feedback, Proactively Guiding, Goals

January 26, 2017

“What Would You Order?”

Picture this. A nice restaurant, low lighting and candles lit. You ask the lovely waitress for an entrée suggestion. Her reply, “Try our prime rib po-boy. It’s wonderful. I get it all the time.”

She was direct, polite and believable as she shared her personal favorite on the menu. What could possibly be wrong with that?

At a restaurant serving $40 prime steaks with lobster tails, she had just suggested an $8 sandwich.  Not only that, but she repeatedly sold the most sandwiches of anyone in the house! More than half of her tables ordered at least one sandwich every night.

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Topics: Client Service, Proactively Guiding