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September 10, 2020

How to Approach Difficult Conversations

I will be the first to admit that I do not enjoy difficult conversations (and I know I am not alone). Many of us cringe at the thought. Sometimes we avoid them altogether or stall at the very least. Other times, we are filled with so much anxiety that the conversation isn’t even effective. However, difficult conversations are a part of life and we better get used to them because they aren’t going anywhere. In fact, delaying or avoiding conversations can make the situation worse.

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Topics: Communication

February 13, 2020

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About

What’s the first thing you notice when you meet someone? Maybe it’s their smile or the confident way they speak or even the way they wear their hair. Each of these things paints a picture that forms an opinion and shapes your perception of them.

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Topics: Communication, Culture, Client Service

February 07, 2019

Fearless Unrivaled Flexibility is More Than Just Leaving Early on Friday

When I started at HORNE, I didn’t realize how much I could actually love the firm I worked for. I haven’t been at HORNE long, but I have learned so much about myself, my profession and my firm. I even vividly remember my first new hire orientation, HORNE FastStart. They told us that HORNE was big on flexibility. But that it wasn’t a policy, it was a philosophy and it even had a name—Fearless Unrivaled Flexibility. At the time, I didn’t really understand what that meant. I assumed it meant that I would occasionally be able to leave work early on Fridays or that I could even leave work in the middle of the day to handle a personal errand if needed.

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Topics: Trust, Communication, Flexibility, Sense of Belonging

November 16, 2017

Make Them Hear You

A few weeks ago, I shared a story about a revelation that helped me find my voice. After that revelation, I was volted with inspiration to change. Without change, can anyone be successful?

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Topics: Perspective, Communication, Feedback, Positive Energy

November 09, 2017

Own Your Career, Own Your Success - Part 2

Last week, I shared the first 10 takeaways for owning your career in Part 1 of this blog series. So, below are the next 10 tips to take your success into your own hands and own your career.

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Topics: Communication, Feedback, Full Potential, Goal Setting, Ownership

October 26, 2017

I Can’t Hear You!

Earlier this year, I was chosen, along with a couple of other team members, to attend the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Tennessee Convention in Sandestin, Florida. This would be the first time HORNE would be represented at the convention. Not only would we meet new, fascinating people, we’d be at the beach in October! Cooler temperatures, smaller crowds, amazing food. Why not? The other two team members and I eagerly prepared to register and arrange our transportation and lodging plans. I was excited to travel to Florida for the first time.

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Topics: Perspective, Communication, Positive Energy

June 22, 2017

The Transforming Effect of Feedback

After completing my first busy season in the Ridgeland office, I moved to HORNE’s Hattiesburg office as the only team member in my department.  I had a plan set in place to tackle some of the obstacles I may face, but ultimately knew that most things never go as planned. Luckily, I had a team standing behind me that was ready to take on those challenges as well. I have heard the words “flexibility, feedback, and full potential” a dozen times before, but soon they applied to me in a very real and transforming way. I found meaning in them, and it was due to the support of the people around me.

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Topics: Communication, Feedback, Fearless Unrivaled Flexibility

May 19, 2016

Building Boundaries to beBetter

We all know how important it is to set boundaries. We set all kinds of boundaries that act as walls to keep the good in and the bad out. But how often do we think through our professional work/life boundaries? From my experience, these lines are not thought out as well as others and are too easily blurred. I’ve heard many successful businessmen and women tell me that one of the hardest areas to tackle is work/life boundaries. This begs the question: Why? Why is it so difficult to create and maintain good boundaries at work?

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Topics: Communication, Flexibility