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April 09, 2020

Are We Grieving the Loss of Normalcy?

A few weeks ago, Harvard Business Review published an article titled The Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief and as I read it, I immediately wanted to share it with everyone I knew. David Kessler, an expert on grief, discussed with the author his perspective on the current coronavirus crisis and how what we are really collectively feeling is grief. He elaborated on the idea of multiple  kinds of grief that we are experiencing.

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Topics: Focus, Sense of Belonging, emotional intelligence, uncertainty

March 26, 2020

It’s My First Pandemic

I’ve never lived through a pandemic before. I’ve never lead a team or company through so much unknown or during such an unprecedented time.

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Topics: Perspective, Teamwork, Leadership

March 12, 2020

We Are Still HORNE, and We Are Still Building the Wise Firm

Almost 10 years on the journey of building the Wise Firm —what we call our culture — and it is still the common denominator of why team members choose HORNE. It is a culture that, to many, seems unrealistic until they experienced it for themselves. It is a culture that we all feel connected to. Driven by a common purpose and mission — to create value and make a difference. It’s how we know we are a part of something bigger than ourselves and that we’re leaving our mark on the world.

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Topics: Wise Firm, Culture

February 27, 2020

At Home At HORNE

Whatever happens to you is for the good of the world. That would be enough right there. But if you look closely, you’ll generally notice something else too: whatever happens to a single person is for the good of others. (Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 6.45)

Three months into my career at HORNE, it is the culture that stands out. Different from previous experiences, I believe HORNE’s culture is the direct result of an intentional pursuit by our leadership to engage and empower each team member for the benefit of the firm.

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Topics: Building a Wise Firm, Culture, Sense of Belonging

February 13, 2020

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About

What’s the first thing you notice when you meet someone? Maybe it’s their smile or the confident way they speak or even the way they wear their hair. Each of these things paints a picture that forms an opinion and shapes your perception of them.

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Topics: Communication, Culture, Client Service

January 30, 2020

Great Places to Work Really Do Exist

A few years ago, my husband was offered a promotion in another state, in a location that did not have a HORNE office. This promotion was a wonderful opportunity for him, but not great news for me. Just a year before this news hit, I transitioned to a new director/performance advisor and I was just now hitting my stride. Moving was not in my plans, but I knew it was best for our family and that we had to take it. 

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Topics: Culture, Collaboration, Fearless Unrivaled Flexibility

January 16, 2020

Fierce Ownership and 100% Responsibility Mindset

In my coaching interactions throughout the firm, I am often asked about the concept of fierce ownership. Some seem to grasp the concept intuitively, while others may struggle to come to grips with how to live out this commitment. To me, fierce ownership is showing up every day with uncommon discipline and acting on every action, opportunity or request as though you personally, literally owned your practice group, even as though you owned the firm! It is putting the needs and best interests of your clients, colleagues and the firm before your own.

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Topics: Discipline, Results, Ownership, Growth Mindset

January 03, 2020

Best of Culture Matters 2019

If a new year isn’t inspiration enough, we’ve gathered our most-read blogs from 2019 to motivate you toward greatness in the year ahead. You’ll find plenty of inspiration in our team member’s transparency and willingness to share their personal stories. Some are funny, some are heartwarming, but the most impactful were clearly the blogs where our team members didn’t shy away from hard topics and felt empowered.

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Topics: Culture Matters, Growth Mindset

December 19, 2019

The Power of Choice

When I joined HORNE, I had no idea what I had signed up for. I was just excited for a fresh start and the beginning of a new journey. I was suffering from burnout from my last firm and didn’t feel like I belonged. I just wanted to try something new. So, I joined HORNE in 2016.

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Topics: Focus, Growth, Opportunity, Sense of Belonging