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July 09, 2020

Career Growth Without Limits

I started my career at HORNE back in 2010 as an administrative assistant on the firm's first-ever Texas project. So, I've really seen our work in Texas grow from inception and I've played many roles on our team during that time. Today, I am a senior manager and a member of HORNE's partner development program. But my biggest accomplishment to date has been the ability to maintain an impactful career and also build my family.

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Topics: Empowered People, Ownership, Growth Mindset

January 16, 2020

Fierce Ownership and 100% Responsibility Mindset

In my coaching interactions throughout the firm, I am often asked about the concept of fierce ownership. Some seem to grasp the concept intuitively, while others may struggle to come to grips with how to live out this commitment. To me, fierce ownership is showing up every day with uncommon discipline and acting on every action, opportunity or request as though you personally, literally owned your practice group, even as though you owned the firm! It is putting the needs and best interests of your clients, colleagues and the firm before your own.

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Topics: Discipline, Results, Ownership, Growth Mindset

January 03, 2020

Best of Culture Matters 2019

If a new year isn’t inspiration enough, we’ve gathered our most-read blogs from 2019 to motivate you toward greatness in the year ahead. You’ll find plenty of inspiration in our team member’s transparency and willingness to share their personal stories. Some are funny, some are heartwarming, but the most impactful were clearly the blogs where our team members didn’t shy away from hard topics and felt empowered.

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Topics: Culture Matters, Growth Mindset

May 30, 2019

Serving With a Generous Mindset

HORNE’s Growth Mindset Client Promises consists of four key commitments to our clients – DELIVER, COLLABORATE, ANTICIPATE, and CARE. It’s a cogwheel of promises that work in tandem with each other to ensure exceptional client service. Each gear contributes to our success as a firm and without strong elements from each present in our client interactions, the client experience will be diminished. Under the CARE attribute, we commit to first and foremost serve with a generous mindset. We accomplish this by committing to make every client interaction great, freely sharing our knowledge and experience, and proactively seeking client feedback to #beEvenBetter. We learn from our successes and failures with after-action reviews and aspire for clients to be our cheerleaders.

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Topics: Collaboration, Anticipatory, Client Service, Growth Mindset