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March 07, 2019

3 Ways to Reward Your Team That Doesn’t Cost Anything

In a recent brainstorming exercise, a team I was working with explored the concept of rewards. None of the ideas replaced fair wages, performance bonuses, appreciation or on-the-spot praise, but they added into the ways you already reward results. They were ideas that could accelerate your team’s performance.

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Topics: Feedback, Leadership

December 13, 2018

Growing Yourself to Grow Others: Part 2

Leading others well requires constant learning and growing. To best develop our teams, we have to first be willing to develop ourselves! One of the best ways to learn is by sharing with and hearing from peers.

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Topics: Growth, Feedback, Leadership

November 29, 2018

Growing Yourself to Grow Others: Part 1

At HORNE, we believe that our people are our greatest asset and the best way to grow all of our team members is by first, growing our leaders. One of the ways we develop our leaders is by hosting regular group coaching sessions, focused on the strategic needs facing our leaders. The purpose of these sessions is to provide a confidential space where transparency, collaboration, strategizing and peer learning can best take place. Our most recent session was focused around understanding and unpacking specific feedback as it relates to our roles as leaders and determining ways to improve on them.

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Topics: Growth, Feedback, Empowered People, Listening, Leadership

October 25, 2018

Want Better Feedback? Ask, Understand and Grow

“Thanks for the feedback!” Walking down the hall in the office, I overhear this statement. It’s a common saying these days. I think about how feedback has impacted our culture, smiling in gratitude. 

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Topics: Feedback

December 21, 2017

What Are You Known For?

To most HORNE team members in other locations, I am that loud Noo Yaww-ker from Lawn-guy-land that buzzes through greeting all at a decibel intended to be heard over a passing subway train. I tawwk loud and fast and will say, "Waz up" to anyone I encounter. I don’t drink caw-fee, but love a good bay-gle—which, by the way, you can’t get in the south. Fuhgeddaboudit!

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Topics: Perspective, Feedback, Proactively Guiding, Goals

November 16, 2017

Make Them Hear You

A few weeks ago, I shared a story about a revelation that helped me find my voice. After that revelation, I was volted with inspiration to change. Without change, can anyone be successful?

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Topics: Perspective, Communication, Feedback, Positive Energy

November 09, 2017

Own Your Career, Own Your Success - Part 2

Last week, I shared the first 10 takeaways for owning your career in Part 1 of this blog series. So, below are the next 10 tips to take your success into your own hands and own your career.

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Topics: Communication, Feedback, Full Potential, Goal Setting, Ownership

November 02, 2017

Own Your Career, Own Your Success

Taking ownership for your career is critical to your success whether you are brand new to the workforce or a seasoned veteran. As Full Potential Coach, I consistently see that people who lean in to embrace the empowerment that comes with taking the initiative to gain clarity, make choices and act on their career are more engaged and happy at work.

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Topics: Feedback, Empowered People, People Development, Full Potential, Ownership

June 22, 2017

The Transforming Effect of Feedback

After completing my first busy season in the Ridgeland office, I moved to HORNE’s Hattiesburg office as the only team member in my department.  I had a plan set in place to tackle some of the obstacles I may face, but ultimately knew that most things never go as planned. Luckily, I had a team standing behind me that was ready to take on those challenges as well. I have heard the words “flexibility, feedback, and full potential” a dozen times before, but soon they applied to me in a very real and transforming way. I found meaning in them, and it was due to the support of the people around me.

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Topics: Communication, Feedback, Fearless Unrivaled Flexibility