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December 15, 2016

Innovation Starts Today With Your Leadership

Last week, we took a look at how a strong culture leads to innovation with HORNE’s Principles for a Culture of Innovation in Executive Partner Joey Havens’ beBetter blog. This week, it’s time to ask yourself if your firm is future ready? published its “Insights into the CPA of the Future Study” concluding that 92% of CPAs reported that they were not “future ready.” Read more about Joey’s challenge to leaders of the profession to set the tone at the top and do what it takes to become a future ready firm in his beBetter blog below.

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Topics: Innovation, Culture Matters, Leadership

December 08, 2016

HORNE’S Principles for a Culture of Innovation

Our Executive Partner Joey Havens presented “Creating a Culture of Innovation” at the Digital CPA Conference this week in Las Vegas.  Among other things, he shared our belief that a strong culture leads to innovation. It’s true, we didn’t specifically set out to be an innovative firm, instead we set out to create a culture with a strong sense of belonging, a place where team members felt safe to make mistakes and then learn from them, and mindset to challenge the status quo daily. Read more about our journey and HORNE’s Principles for a Culture of Innovation in Joey’s beBetter blog below.   

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Topics: Innovation, Culture