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April 09, 2020

Are We Grieving the Loss of Normalcy?

A few weeks ago, Harvard Business Review published an article titled The Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief and as I read it, I immediately wanted to share it with everyone I knew. David Kessler, an expert on grief, discussed with the author his perspective on the current coronavirus crisis and how what we are really collectively feeling is grief. He elaborated on the idea of multiple  kinds of grief that we are experiencing.

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Topics: Focus, Sense of Belonging, emotional intelligence, uncertainty

December 19, 2019

The Power of Choice

When I joined HORNE, I had no idea what I had signed up for. I was just excited for a fresh start and the beginning of a new journey. I was suffering from burnout from my last firm and didn’t feel like I belonged. I just wanted to try something new. So, I joined HORNE in 2016.

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Topics: Focus, Growth, Opportunity, Sense of Belonging

February 15, 2018

What’s Your Biggest Accomplishment?

“What is your biggest accomplishment to date?” I was asked this question recently. Without hesitation, my response was passing the CPA exam. I would say, without a doubt, the journey to passing the CPA exam was the most emotionally, physically and mentally exhausting journey I have taken. I remember questioning many times if this was the path God intended for me. Could I really make this happen? Was it really worth it? It has been a year since I found out that I'm officially a CPA, and I can tell you now it was worth every tear and sleepless night.

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Topics: Focus, Empowered People, Full Potential

February 01, 2018

What’s in Your Windshield of Life?

One of my favorite Wise Firm building blocks is windshield view, but probably not for the same reason it may be a favorite for others. Some people look at windshield view with solely a client or firm-centered focus—being anticipatory, knowing the challenges the client or firm has previously faced and those that may be soon to come. While agreeing with this viewpoint, I, however, like to look at windshield view a little differently. I like to think of windshield view introspectively—knowing the road I have traveled and roadblocks that have hindered me or slowed me down, but focusing on what is ahead of me and not behind.

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Topics: Focus, Anticipatory, Forward Thinking, Windshield View

February 16, 2017

Is Busyness a Form of Laziness?

I hate raking leaves. I mean I really hate raking leaves. It just so happens that I have five large oak trees in my yard that drop copious amounts of leaves, including a live oak that drops leaves all year long. My wife loves a clean, leaf-free yard. So you might say, “No problem, hire someone to rake the yard for you—make your wife happy and prosper.” Well, I am also cheap, so while I hate to rake leaves, I hate to pay someone to rake them even more.

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Topics: Focus, Leadership

August 12, 2016

Don’t Aim for the Wrong Bull’s-Eye

With the world’s biggest sporting event among us, I would like to take you back to the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.

American air rifle shooter, Matt Emmons, was competing in the three-position event in which participants shoot multiple shots from 50 meters away in varying positions­­—stomach, knees and feet. Emmons stood on his feet for his last shot of the competition. Leading by three points, his last shot only needed to come close to the bull’s-eye to guarantee him the gold medal. He took a deep breath and fired. Bull’s-eye! 

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Topics: Focus, Culture, Leadership

February 18, 2016

Is Email Running Your Life?

Our Executive Partner Joey Havens shared a very challenging blog with the firm and the readers of his beBetter blog last week.  His challenge? Stop treating email as urgent.  The blog created much conversation within the walls of HORNE and on our social platforms, we realized that email really is running people’s lives.  In case you haven’t read it, we wanted to share.  Then, you decide--is email running your life?

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Topics: Focus, Leadership