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April 09, 2020

Are We Grieving the Loss of Normalcy?

A few weeks ago, Harvard Business Review published an article titled The Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief and as I read it, I immediately wanted to share it with everyone I knew. David Kessler, an expert on grief, discussed with the author his perspective on the current coronavirus crisis and how what we are really collectively feeling is grief. He elaborated on the idea of multiple  kinds of grief that we are experiencing.

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Topics: Focus, Sense of Belonging, emotional intelligence, uncertainty

June 07, 2018

5 Tips to Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence

When I started my journey with HORNE four years ago, my emotional intelligence needed improvement, particularly in the areas of self-awareness and positive outlook. I knew this needed to change; not just for my professional growth, but so I could be a happier and more well-balanced person in all aspects of my life.

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Topics: Growth, Self-Awareness, Full Potential, emotional intelligence