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December 10, 2021

Living Our Culture Sustains the Team That Delivers With Care

In my last blog, we discussed HORNE's unprecedented growth. We know outstanding client experience got us to the dance. Make no mistake, it’s not our approach or our IT and knowledge management systems. It’s that we’ve found, developed and retained more than our fair share of excellent people. And modeling our culture will keep us there and ensure we get invited to the next one.

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Topics: Culture, Team Building

June 27, 2019

How Well You Know Your Team Affects Your Results

Two skinny vanilla lattes. Both sugar-free.

One hot chocolate.

One flavor of the day.

One Café Mocha.

One medium roast.

One London Fog—sugar-free and skinny.

An iced coffee, room for milk.

And one dark roast with an extra shot.

That’s my team’s coffee order. 

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Topics: Relationships, Results, Team Building, Leadership, Employee Engagement

September 28, 2017

3 Tips to Strengthen Your Relationships

Have you ever had an emergency come up, want to take a vacation, or just an afternoon off? 

Have you ever been so busy that you can’t handle a project alone or need a fresh perspective? Sure, we all have. Life happens. But when you have others who you can depend on, it sure does make life go a little more smoothly. 

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Topics: Relationships, Teamwork, Team Building