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October 03, 2019

A Summer of Service and Giving Back

“We and Service.” Here at HORNE, this is what our culture is founded on. For our team members, a big part of living this out is through our annual Summer of Service program, which honors our commitment to our communities.

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Topics: Service, Community Engagement, Summer of Service, Giving Back

September 29, 2016

Giving Back Through HORNE’s Summer of Service

Living out our commitment to our communities is a critical part of reaching our firm’s 2020 Vision: “We deliver unrivaled focused expertise. We collaborate to proactively guide and serve our people, clients and communities to realize their full potential.” Even our Wise Firm culture is founded on We and Service. It’s safe to say that we are a firm that believes in giving back and serving others and that it’s not just talk. One of my favorite ways we do this is through our Summer of Service program.

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Topics: Building a Wise Firm, Culture, Summer of Service