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Ali Garrison

Ali Garrison is a public and middle market supervisor at HORNE LLP. She focuses on providing assurance and advisory services to public and middle market companies.
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Recent Posts

February 15, 2018

What’s Your Biggest Accomplishment?

“What is your biggest accomplishment to date?” I was asked this question recently. Without hesitation, my response was passing the CPA exam. I would say, without a doubt, the journey to passing the CPA exam was the most emotionally, physically and mentally exhausting journey I have taken. I remember questioning many times if this was the path God intended for me. Could I really make this happen? Was it really worth it? It has been a year since I found out that I'm officially a CPA, and I can tell you now it was worth every tear and sleepless night.

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Topics: Focus, Empowered People, Full Potential

November 17, 2016

When Passion and Career Align

For millennials, the workforce looks vastly different today than when baby boomers were entering. Passion is a hot topic that society pushes millennials towards in the search for a career. Many millennials believe they will be unfilled in the corporate world because it does not provide an opportunity to pursue certain passions. For me, a millennial, life at HORNE has proven that a personal passion can easily align with my career. 

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Topics: Growth, People Development, Passion