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Timothy Smith

Timothy is a senior manager in government services where he drafts and negotiates contracts, and reviews legal documentation and potential acquisition of bid awards. Timothy joined the firm in 2016 with more than 10 years of previous experience specializing in both the private and government sectors.

Recent Posts

October 12, 2017

Discipline Equals Freedom

Discipline equals freedom. That short sentence is seemingly a paradox. When we typically think of the meaning of discipline, we think of more effort, discomfort, and doing the opposite of what our natural predisposition tells us to do.

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Topics: Discipline, Empowered People, Attitude, Status Quo

February 16, 2017

Is Busyness a Form of Laziness?

I hate raking leaves. I mean I really hate raking leaves. It just so happens that I have five large oak trees in my yard that drop copious amounts of leaves, including a live oak that drops leaves all year long. My wife loves a clean, leaf-free yard. So you might say, “No problem, hire someone to rake the yard for you—make your wife happy and prosper.” Well, I am also cheap, so while I hate to rake leaves, I hate to pay someone to rake them even more.

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Topics: Focus, Leadership