Growing Yourself to Grow Others: Part 2

Leading others well requires constant learning and growing. To best develop our teams, we have to first be willing to develop ourselves! One of the best ways to learn is by sharing with and hearing from peers.

As mentioned in the first part of this two-part blog series, we recently held group coaching sessions that provided our leaders with a confidential space where transparency, collaboration, strategizing and peer learning occurred.

In those sessions, our leaders developed helpful strategies that can benefit anyone seeking to develop their skills in growing others.

To better establish clear expectations and accountability.

  • Practice “NETCWSI” - Never end the conversation without specific information. The agreed upon:
    • Goal
    • Steps 
    • Communication Expectations (e.g., what should not change without proactive communication, when status should be communicated)
    • Deliverables 
    • Deadline
  • Teach along the way. Share the context (the big picture and the “why”). Brainstorm with team members. Share your thought processes.
  • Take a coaching approach by asking questions that help team members think critically.
  • Leverage past experiences to explain current expectations. 
  • Call out the impact of work done well or not well.

To better ask for feedback from team members. For example: What’s working well? What’s not working well? How can I stimulate growth and/or remove barriers?

  • Build trust - spend time getting to know who each team member really is as an individual.
  • Build rapport across the team by creating forums for fun (e.g., lunch and a board game) where team members can get to know each other and create comradery.
  • Thank team members for feedback they have already provided and tell them specifically what you are going to work on based on their feedback and follow through.
  • Lead after-action reviews to gather feedback. Include questions about your own performance.
  • At the end of every conversation ask, “What could I have done differently or better?”
  • Explain why you are asking for feedback.

To better proactively share knowledge and expertise with team members.

  • Encourage team members to own their voice and ask questions.
  • Create an environment that doesn’t give the “I’m too busy” impression.
  • Proactively check-in with team members on their work throughout the day and look for teachable moments.
  • Be transparent with new ideas being vetted instead of waiting until it’s all ironed out.

I really hope you were able to connect with some of these actions and can put them into play to help you be a better leader. Make sure to check out the first part of this series to capture all of the helpful strategies our leaders discovered.

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Ashley NolenAbout the Author 

Ashley serves as a full potential coach, helping team members connect their strengths with their passions in order to reach their highest personal and professional goals.

Topics: Growth, Feedback, Leadership

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