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Christine Waldron

Christine Waldron is a manager at HORNE in the New York area. She assists clients with Community Development Block Grant programs. Christine has experience managing both single and multi-family housing programs and has been with HORNE for almost three years after working 12 years for a private construction contractor that specialized in residential, commercial, and educational projects.
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Recent Posts

February 21, 2019

Leaving a Lasting Impression

My husband and I live in New York and one morning on his routine walk to work he spotted a wallet that belonged to a young girl from Nebraska. It was fully intact with IDs, cash, credit cards, gift cards and stuffed with a variety of personal mementos that included a cruise key card.

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Topics: Customer Experience, Collaboration, Client Service

December 21, 2017

What Are You Known For?

To most HORNE team members in other locations, I am that loud Noo Yaww-ker from Lawn-guy-land that buzzes through greeting all at a decibel intended to be heard over a passing subway train. I tawwk loud and fast and will say, "Waz up" to anyone I encounter. I don’t drink caw-fee, but love a good bay-gle—which, by the way, you can’t get in the south. Fuhgeddaboudit!

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