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March 01, 2018

Will These Regrets End Up on Your List?

I recently read an article on common regrets of older people as they looked back over their lives. I realized that I still had time to impact and improve my life and career as I kept reading. Here are the main regrets that stuck out to me and how I plan to not add them to my personal regret list. 

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Topics: Full Potential, Goal Setting, Forward Thinking, Windshield View

February 15, 2018

What’s Your Biggest Accomplishment?

“What is your biggest accomplishment to date?” I was asked this question recently. Without hesitation, my response was passing the CPA exam. I would say, without a doubt, the journey to passing the CPA exam was the most emotionally, physically and mentally exhausting journey I have taken. I remember questioning many times if this was the path God intended for me. Could I really make this happen? Was it really worth it? It has been a year since I found out that I'm officially a CPA, and I can tell you now it was worth every tear and sleepless night.

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Topics: Focus, Empowered People, Full Potential

February 01, 2018

What’s in Your Windshield of Life?

One of my favorite Wise Firm building blocks is windshield view, but probably not for the same reason it may be a favorite for others. Some people look at windshield view with solely a client or firm-centered focus—being anticipatory, knowing the challenges the client or firm has previously faced and those that may be soon to come. While agreeing with this viewpoint, I, however, like to look at windshield view a little differently. I like to think of windshield view introspectively—knowing the road I have traveled and roadblocks that have hindered me or slowed me down, but focusing on what is ahead of me and not behind.

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Topics: Focus, Anticipatory, Forward Thinking, Windshield View

January 18, 2018

Are You Being a Great Collaborator?

Does collaboration really make a difference in the workplace? Does it make a difference for our clients? Does it make a difference in how everyone feels about their work family? Does it make a difference in how well they do their jobs?

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Topics: Teamwork, Collaboration, Service, Sense of Belonging

January 04, 2018

How Culture Mattered in 2017

To help inspire your 2018, let’s take a look back at our most read blogs of 2017. You’ll find plenty of inspiration in our team member’s transparency and willingness to share their personal stories. Some are funny, some are heartwarming, but the most impactful were clearly the blogs where our team members didn't shy away from hard topics and felt empowered. Here’s a look back at the best blogs from 2017. Happy New Year!

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Topics: Culture

December 21, 2017

What Are You Known For?

To most HORNE team members in other locations, I am that loud Noo Yaww-ker from Lawn-guy-land that buzzes through greeting all at a decibel intended to be heard over a passing subway train. I tawwk loud and fast and will say, "Waz up" to anyone I encounter. I don’t drink caw-fee, but love a good bay-gle—which, by the way, you can’t get in the south. Fuhgeddaboudit!

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Topics: Perspective, Feedback, Proactively Guiding, Goals

December 14, 2017

3 Steps to Exceed Expectations

As each of our careers progress, we continue to assume more responsibility. This responsibility comes in the form of more people requiring more of your attention on a more frequent basis. This begs the question…the ageless, grueling, slippery question…how do I prioritize my time to not only meet the expectations of the people I am serving, but to exceed their expectations? As significant of a question as this is, I would suggest the answer might be less complex than it may seem.

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Topics: Client Service

December 07, 2017

A Coaching Approach to People Development

It was a Monday afternoon in October when I received the text, “mama I miss you.” I wasn’t surprised by it and had even come to recognize the polarized feelings that followed. The knife in the stomach knowing my daughter, a freshman at Southeast Missouri State, was lonely and sad, contrasted with the feeling of relief that she still needed me at the age of 19. As I managed this emotional dichotomy, I quickly picked up my phone to fire off a response before my next meeting. Despite the fact I thought I knew what was driving my daughter’s dilemma I didn’t want to make any assumptions. “I miss you too, sugar…what’s going on?” Claire’s response, “I’m lonely.” Followed by mine, “I know it’s hard right now. How about if we brainstorm some ideas tonight after school and work?” She agreed. 

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Topics: Growth, Coaching

November 30, 2017

What Do You Want?

I was once asked what it means to “own your career.” My answer at the time was to seek opportunities for growth both personally and professionally. I continued by stating that you won’t always be doing what you “want to do” in order to grow. As I reflect on that answer, I think I got it wrong. Not totally wrong, but I missed an important step. Not just any step, but the first step. 

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Topics: Growth, Empowered People, People Development