We Are Still HORNE, and We Are Still Building the Wise Firm

Almost 10 years on the journey of building the Wise Firm —what we call our culture — and it is still the common denominator of why team members choose HORNE. It is a culture that, to many, seems unrealistic until they experienced it for themselves. It is a culture that we all feel connected to. Driven by a common purpose and mission — to create value and make a difference. It’s how we know we are a part of something bigger than ourselves and that we’re leaving our mark on the world.

Each team member can reflect on how the Wise Firm has impacted them personally. Each client can share a story of how the Wise Firm has resulted in a WOW client experience that they can’t live without. And like any great journey, we know there is no destination. It’s the journey of knowing who we are, who we are not, and who we want to be.

In 2016, we set out to tell our Wise Firm story through video. It detailed our beliefs, how we do what we do, and who we aspired to be. We called the video The Wise Firm Way. Now, four years later, we’ve evolved and grown as a firm, so it’s only fitting that video does too. Are you ready to experience The Wise Firm Way? Watch below.



Topics: Wise Firm, Culture

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