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Neil Forbes

Neil is the managing partner at HORNE, where he leads business strategy development, execution and operations for the firm. He also serves on HORNE’s Board of Directors. Prior to being named managing partner in 2021, Neil led HORNE’s government services team in helping state governments manage large-scale, federally funded natural disaster and pandemic-related recovery programs.
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Recent Posts

August 04, 2016

Are You Making Diversity More Than Just a Buzzword?

A couple weeks ago, our Belonging at HORNE steering committee invited the entire firm to partake in roundtable discussions in each office location. These roundtables focused on one-time discussions about a featured article that affects a different lens group. The first roundtable article was Diversity Is Useless Without Inclusivity. This article really resonated with Partner in Charge of Government Services, Neil Forbes, as he challenged the emptiness that can result from the overuse of the word diversity without action. Are you doing your part to ensure diversity doesn’t become empty in your world? Check out his full blog, first featured on In Service: Ideas to Help Gov't Agencies Affect Positive Change, below. 

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Topics: Diversity

June 09, 2016

Sustaining Our Foundation, Shaping Our Future

Creating The Wise Firm Way video was a group effort.  Literally, our entire firm had the opportunity to speak into its creation—and one of the greatest nuggets of information came from Tracy Cunningham, a director on our Firm FIRST team who has been with the firm since she was 18 years old, more than 30 years.

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Topics: Wise Firm, Culture

January 07, 2016

Connecting Our People with Purpose: Part 3

Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish..."

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Topics: Life Purpose, Culture

May 28, 2015

Connecting Our People with Purpose: Part 2

Wandering around aimlessly is exhausting. We can all likely relate to times in our career where we’ve sat in front of a computer, plugging away, and wondered, “Why am I even doing this?”

Having direction, goals, and an overall purpose makes work and life in general, simply invigorating. It transforms everyday tasks from tedious to vital. It gives us each a sense of place, of belonging.

When it comes to the work we do in HORNE Government Services, finding purpose isn’t a hard thing to do. Roughly 70 percent of our team has been affected by natural disasters, and lived through the aftermath.

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Topics: Life Purpose