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Joey Havens

Joey Havens, CPA, is a partner at HORNE, where he passionately lives out his life’s calling to help others see and reach their full potential. Joey challenges leaders to bold transparency, calling on leaders to show their heart while working to connect everyone to the “why,” or the purpose, of the organization. He is a husband, father, grandfather, avid outdoorsman, and fanatical college sports fan.
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Recent Posts

March 17, 2021

Efficiency Can Destroy Effectiveness

As I listen to the team go over the new plan on process improvement, I’ve heard the word “efficient” several times. It’s obvious that we have certainly made an old manual process more automated and more efficient. Efficiency is not a bad thing — unless we let it destroy being effective. First, let me own that this is a pet peeve of mine. Being efficient is NOT the same as being effective.

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Topics: Focus, Forward Thinking, Leadership

March 10, 2021

The Behavior of Love

I know I have spun a head or two as I shared with friends and business associates that I love them. Several years ago, when I first heard John O’Leary close his keynote speech at the World Leaders Conference, I realized that I did not say "I love you" enough. John has closed every keynote I’ve heard with “I love you and there’s not really anything you can do about it.” John has an inspirational story. His book On Fire is incredible (I gave it to all of our kids and my parents) and his commitment to love — to truly love others — has inspired me to share my love more openly.

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Topics: Relationships, Leadership

March 03, 2021

Dead Weight Slows Us Down

One morning, I was fishing in the front of my boat on Ross Barnett Reservoir in Mississippi. I had an odd feeling that morning that things weren't just right; however, I wasn't able to put my finger on it. I became engrossed in a conversation with another fisherman about our LiveScopes. When I turned around to grab another color bait, I saw that my boat was full of water! I was literally on the verge of sinking.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Forward Thinking, transformation

February 24, 2021

Being Right Is Not Always the Best Outcome

Here we go again as I have taken being right too far, and I’m certainly not without fault in this communication snafu. It started as I got home early and CeCe was finishing up outside with some yard work. We sat down for a moment and both agreed we wanted to take Oliver (our Yorkie puppy) for a walk.  

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Topics: Relationships, Communication

February 17, 2021

7 Tips To Manage Your Energy

As I walk into the living room, CeCe is in her chair, scanning Facebook or shopping on her phone and my entry goes pretty much unnoticed. Well, let’s be transparent — totally unnoticed. I admit, it’s a real downer as I was hoping that my arrival might peak the slightest bit of excitement, joy, happy greeting or at least an expression of curiosity. Don’t we all look for that recognition and acceptance from our close family and friends?  

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Topics: Relationships, Communication, Positive Energy, Energy

February 10, 2021

Being Relevant Takes Energy and Urgency

The CEO comes into the boardroom and everyone is standing. “Our oldest customer has fired us. Says they just don’t know us anymore — too much business by phone, email. Well folks, something has to change. We are going to see them all face-to-face.” He then hands out airline tickets to everyone.

This scene is from an old commercial, but with the current pandemic, I think it is a scene (being fired) we could replicate very easily today if we do not treat being relevant as important and urgent. This takes energy and creativity. It takes contacting, listening and collaborating with clients and customers.

Frankly, it’s easier today to assume that a client doesn’t want to collaborate or hear from us. How often are we letting these assumptions delay our actions? The hyper-speed of digital acceleration, remote work, changing business patterns, etc., all require a concerted effort to understand changing needs so we are relevant.

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Topics: Collaboration, Anticipatory, Energy, Proactively Guiding

February 03, 2021

Truth-Tellers Are a Gift 

Today, February 3, CeCe and I celebrate our 20th anniversary. Hopefully, and Lord willing, as you read this, we are on the beach checking off one of our “bucket list” destinations in St. Lucia. I’ve just finished writing CeCe’s anniversary card. Now I could share the card’s contents with you, but that would be the end of my beBetter blog and ME! CeCe is such a great sport to provide me the liberty to share some of her experiences, both good and bad, so I want to be careful and not get too loose with the stories. 

There are two comments in the card that I think could help each of us to #beEvenBetter.  

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Topics: Relationships, Communication, CeCe

January 27, 2021

Are You a Real Coffee Drinker?

CeCe enters the kitchen as I am brewing a large fresh pot of coffee. “My, the coffee smells wonderful. Did you use your new coffee bean grinder for this pot?” 

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Topics: Client Service, Leadership, Advisory Services

January 20, 2021

Nature Contributes To a Grateful Attitude

The 12 mph wind with a morning temperature of 34 degrees makes for a chilly deer stand. Nestling down in my big jacket, I pull up my face mask to help break some of the wind. The sun has just tipped over the trees and I’m consumed with how beautiful nature is.

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Topics: Attitude, Gratitude

January 13, 2021

How Often Do We Miss the Joy?

CeCe has asked me to run a quick errand for our Aunt Kate, who lives in an independent living facility close to our home. Aunt Kate is in her early 80s and CeCe is her primary caregiver. Today, I’m on the way to pick up a contact to replace the one that she lost.  

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Topics: Relationships, Attitude, CeCe

January 06, 2021

Oliver Stretches His Futureview, How About Us?

After two years without a dog in our home, CeCe and I dove into the pandemic puppy trend and welcomed our new Yorkie, Oliver. Oliver is six months old and has been with us for three months now. Finally, we have a dog that is slightly more attached to me than CeCe. It’s one of the positives that COVID brought us as I have worked from home more.  

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Topics: Future View, Future Ready

December 30, 2020

The Best of 2020

As 2020 winds down, I think we are collectively breathing a sigh of relief that we made it through an extremely challenging year.

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Topics: People Development, Gratitude, Leadership, Growth Mindset, COVID-19

December 23, 2020

Grace for the 2020 Holiday Season

The time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no guest room available for them. Luke 2:6-7

In my Christian faith, this is why we celebrate Christmas. This is the greatest Christmas gift we will ever receive — God’s son, Jesus. God has never created a person He doesn’t love. It’s this love from  creation to now that we all need as we close out a disruptive 2020 and continue to face new challenges.

In December each year, millions of people celebrate religious and spiritually significant holidays, and universally, humankind continues to look for morally good virtues to live by and love is central to all of them.

For me, celebrating the birth of Jesus and the love of God helps put 2020 in perspective and prepares me for whatever 2021 has in store.

Here’s my prayer for you, your family and this Christmas celebration.

Lord, please grant us the grace to live with love for each other. May our Christmas and holiday celebrations start and end with a celebration of kindness and creative loving for each other. Please provide us the wisdom, safety and opportunity to see and visit with our loved ones. Thank You for the greatest Christmas gift of all. Amen.

I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season.

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Topics: Relationships, Gratitude