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March 09, 2022

Collaboration Leads To Growth

Do you think having a point of view is important? Clients are looking for advisors with a point of view, and we will need to challenge theirs when they are not being realistic about the challenges they are facing or the opportunities they are missing. 

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Topics: Collaboration, Anticipatory, Client Service

December 08, 2021

Right Problem; Wrong Solution

When the weather starts to get cold, heaters crank up and I spend time at deer camp where the water is hard and my skin begins to get dry. After five days at camp over Thanksgiving, I’m worn out and headed to bed early. Last thing I do is put some lotion on to help my skin because I know CeCe will ask.

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Topics: Collaboration, Proactively Guiding, Leadership, Advisory Services

September 08, 2021

Collaboration Is Critical to Success

“Will you hang these curtains back up? I have the hooks already in them.”

I gaze over at the pile of curtains sitting on our den couch and then up to the tall windows. I’m thinking this will require the ladder for sure.

“Sure, CeCe, that’s the very next thing I will do. Just let me finish with this blog.”

Three hours later, I had my blog draft ready, the dog walked, scoured my Ole Miss football news, paid some bills and finished a snack. Then the glare from the sun hits me right in the eyes as I walk by and I am immediately reminded of the glare that I’m going to get from CeCe when she walks into the room. Oops! I have completely forgotten the curtains.

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Topics: Focus, Communication, Collaboration

May 05, 2021

Collaboration Always Nets More Growth

It's a beautiful Saturday morning on the Ross Barnett Reservoir and although the crappie bite has been slow, we have a few small fish in our live well. Thump! Oh yeah, I can tell by the bite this is a big fish. Setting the hook with a quick upward thrust of the jig pole, I feel the weight of this fish. Finally, I have a quality fish on. Here he comes to the top wrapped in lily pads. On no, he is hung and if I pull any harder, it will pull the hook out of his mouth. He is literally suspended right above the water. Instantly I'm yelling for help from my favorite crappie fisherman, Bruce. 

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Topics: Communication, Collaboration, Leadership

February 10, 2021

Being Relevant Takes Energy and Urgency

The CEO comes into the boardroom and everyone is standing. “Our oldest customer has fired us. Says they just don’t know us anymore — too much business by phone, email. Well folks, something has to change. We are going to see them all face-to-face.” He then hands out airline tickets to everyone.

This scene is from an old commercial, but with the current pandemic, I think it is a scene (being fired) we could replicate very easily today if we do not treat being relevant as important and urgent. This takes energy and creativity. It takes contacting, listening and collaborating with clients and customers.

Frankly, it’s easier today to assume that a client doesn’t want to collaborate or hear from us. How often are we letting these assumptions delay our actions? The hyper-speed of digital acceleration, remote work, changing business patterns, etc., all require a concerted effort to understand changing needs so we are relevant.

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Topics: Collaboration, Anticipatory, Energy, Proactively Guiding

August 12, 2020

Could We Use a Freeze?

Here comes my fifth Zoom call of the day and the fatigue is real, but I’m also glad I “get to” have a busy schedule with impactful meetings. As I get ready for my next call, I recognize the fatigue and make a mad dash to the breakroom for coffee. Throwing back the caffeine as our call gets underway, I’m coming back to life as the passion from one team member is building.

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Topics: Collaboration, Self-Awareness, Leadership

August 05, 2020

Lone Wolves Can Destroy a Good Day

As I pull into the Quick Mart to fill up with gas for the trip home, my mind is full of joyful memories from a day of fishing on Lake Whittington. The river has receded and as the water level drops, my favorite fish, crappie, are known to turn on big time. Unfortunately, today wasn’t “the” day, but we caught some fish and it is such a blessing to be out on that beautiful lake just enjoying God’s creation.

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Topics: Culture, Collaboration, Team Building, Leadership

July 25, 2018

The Problem With Making Assumptions in Client Service

As I have shared previously, my brother, Mike, has a unique ability to bring humor to moments that simply bring you to tears laughing. One Sunday after church, we were having a family luncheon with my parents, Pop Joe and Mom, Mike, his wife Joy, my sister Mitzi, her husband Tim, and my wife CeCe at a local restaurant in Batesville, Mississippi. It was a hot summer day and we were enjoying a southern favorite—ice cold tea—as we waited. As you might guess, Sunday after church in a small town with few restaurant choices makes for a crowded and SLOW dining experience. However, we were having a great time visiting and catching up on family current events and stories while we waited.

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Topics: Communication, Collaboration, Client Service