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March 09, 2022

Collaboration Leads To Growth

Do you think having a point of view is important? Clients are looking for advisors with a point of view, and we will need to challenge theirs when they are not being realistic about the challenges they are facing or the opportunities they are missing. 

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Topics: Collaboration, Anticipatory, Client Service

March 02, 2022

Being Anticipatory is Distinctive

This blog is the fourth part of a series that outlines the Four Building Blocks to Move to Advisory Services.

We’ve already discussed the first two blocks: MINDSET SHIFT and CONFIDENCE. ANTICIPATORY SKILLS is the third building block to move our organizations towards advisory services and seize our future by being relevant — starting now.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Client Service

February 09, 2022

Mind the Gap: The Gap Is Bigger

We see it every day — automation, implemented well, reduces the amount of compliance work we perform.

We experience it every day — fierce competition from outside our profession pursuing our clients. 

We feel it every day — the market for professional services is demanding and opening the door for “higher-value services.”

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Topics: Anticipatory, Leadership, Growth Mindset

January 26, 2022

How to Avoid Being Irrelevant

A recent beBetter blog, Price is Rarely the Issue, generated some interesting comments and thoughts. One that really caught my attention was from a HORNE team member in Tennessee, David Friedt. David shared a humorous story about how a car salesman was attempting to make a car distinctive with some of the features.  

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Topics: Customer Experience, Hard Trend, Anticipatory, Client Service, Leadership

December 15, 2021

Listening for the Opportunity to Help

What a beautiful day on Eagle Lake with my fishing buddy Bruce. The sun has peeped out and we have a slight southwest breeze blowing about 6 mph. I’m smiling as I’m looking into the live well where we have put 19 slab crappie over the last few hours. I’m adjusting the depth on my Live Scope as we are moving around to locate another spot holding baitfish. Today, our pattern has been finding big crappie just beneath the schools of baitfish in about ten feet of water.  

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Topics: Anticipatory, Client Service, Proactively Guiding, Insight

December 01, 2021

Are We Getting Off-Road Enough?

A few weeks ago, we discussed the importance of getting off-road more to see and find our clients new and changing needs. In essence, doing many things that we haven’t done before. It requires us to get muddy, get a scratch or two and even assess what we are driving as a firm. Are we getting off-road enough?

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Topics: Anticipatory, Client Service, Leadership

October 27, 2021

How to Avoid the Sunk Cost Trap

CeCe and I have signed up with a group of friends for an outdoor excursion that involves riding in all-terrain army vehicles, hiking and some mountain top sightseeing. Unfortunately, it has been raining cats and dogs for three days. We meet for lunch together before heading to the excursion and our conversations turn to the rain.

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Topics: Attitude, Anticipatory, Leadership, Mindset

October 20, 2021

What Kind of Guardian Are You?

I’ve just finished lunch with my partner and good friend before he leaves for a week-long Disney trip with his family. He shared some of the activities they had planned and how some things had changed due to COVID. It sounded exciting for someone who loves Disney. (Not me, but my grandkids are anxiously waiting). I know I’m going again, but I’m holding out for fewer restrictions and for the younger ones to get a little taller. Hey, if you have to go, go when you can knock it all out — rides and kids!

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Topics: Anticipatory, Client Service, Leadership

October 13, 2021

Proactive Risk-Taking Increases Opportunity

CeCe and I have just landed in Charlotte, grabbed our rental car, and are headed towards Highlands, NC, which is a little more than a 3-hour drive. My Waze app tells us the interstate is SLOW in several places and as we look around, we are traveling about 20 MPH right now. So, I pull up an alternative route. It’s longer with many twists and turns, but it might get us there 20 to 30 minutes sooner based on traffic flow.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Forward Thinking, Risk and Reward

October 06, 2021

Transformation Requires a Proactive Approach

Finally, we are having some cooler weather. I make my way to our backyard to pull these five tomato plants up, throw them over the fence and stack my wire supports for next year. It’s going to be slightly more difficult than I had planned as CeCe has her Zinnias planted right next to them and in fact, they are intertwined and growing together. Now I know this is sacred ground as many of these are in full bloom, plus it saves us a little money as CeCe always finds ways to have fresh flowers in our home.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Forward Thinking, transformation

September 29, 2021

Has There Ever Been a Better Time to Go Off-Road?

About once a quarter, I hire Tony to completely detail my SUV. He always comments on how dirty it is. Today will be no different as he drives up to pick it up. I know it is muddy as I have been over at camp and had it off on a trail looking to fish our oxbow lake.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Opportunity, Client Service

September 22, 2021

Price Is Rarely the Issue

Walking into the sunglass section of this nice sporting goods store, I’m stopping at the Costa sunglasses. As you know from previous blogs, I’m down to one pair and I really want a pair for driving and as a spare for my next moment of stupidity which seems to follow me around.  

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Topics: Communication, Anticipatory, Value

September 01, 2021

Are We Anticipating Our Next Opportunity?

This is Oliver, our five-pound Yorkie who just turned one year old. He is such a treat and has a boundless personality. He loves people and dogs. Jumping high in the air to pop bubbles with the kids or fishing with me on a lazy Saturday, he enjoys life.  

Today’s picture really caught my attention because of what Oliver is doing and how focused  he is on it. This is a regular activity, and it has paid big dividends as he now has lots of neighborhood friends, including several dog buddies that come over for playtime. Our neighbors have noted they can’t walk their usual dog-walking route because their dogs throw a fit until they go by Oliver’s house to see if he is outside for playtime. Ha!

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Topics: Anticipatory, Future View