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June 22, 2016

What If I Really Am a Trusted Advisor?

This blog is the third in the series, The Things We Think and Do Not Say: The Future of Our Business—My Very Own Jerry Maguire Blog

Last week, we defined what it means to be a true trusted advisor and the gap that currently exists between our client service level and that of a true trusted advisor. But why even confront trusted advisor? 

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Topics: Trusted Advisor, Leadership

June 15, 2016

You Call Yourself a Trusted Advisor—So What?

This blog is the second in the series, The Things We Think and Do Not Say: The Future of Our Business—My Very Own Jerry Maguire Blog

Trusted advisor sounds good. I completely understand why we want to tell clients and prospects this. And it is certainly desirable, but these two words are not reflective of how we are serving the majority of our clients. As it stands, trusted advisor has as much meaning as "on-time departure" from an airline. And much like a savvy traveler, the market is not going to believe what we say about ourselves—they will only believe what they experience and what other clients say about us.

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Topics: Trusted Advisor, Leadership

June 08, 2016

Two Words Helping Breed Complacency in Public Accounting: Trusted Advisor

This blog is the first in the series, The Things We Think and Do Not Say: The Future of Our Business—My Very Own Jerry Maguire Blog

The term “trusted advisor” is so overused and embellished in public accounting—to the extent that this term now breeds complacency. Our profession has taken for granted the level of client service and experience, the relevant insights and the courage necessary to proactively collaborate in fulfillment of those powerful words. We continuously label ourselves and our firms with this term meant to convey the highest level of client experience and equity relationship while our professional services are increasingly being viewed and purchased as low-value commodities. We are quickly sliding down the value slope even with many of our trusted advisor relationships.    

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Topics: Trusted Advisor, Leadership