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June 19, 2019

Technology Saved My Feet

In last week’s blog, Are We Serving up an Eggcellent Experience, I shared about my trip to Seattle with CeCe and our daughter, Haley. We were very excited about hiking and experiencing the beautiful Seattle area. On the first day, we headed out to hike Tiger Mountain Trailhead. Based on the map and writeup, we could do a circular hike of about six miles and come right back down to the trailhead.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Forward Thinking, Technology

November 14, 2018

Technology Is Keeping Me Awake at Night

This week, I am at the Grand Hyatt in New York for the AICPA Women’s Global Leadership Summit. Wanting to be well-rested for the full week ahead, I turned in early my first night. But around 2:30 a.m. my hand hit the control panel and all of the shades in the room started coming up. Talk about being confused.  Where am I? What is going on? So after I figured out the issue, I fell back asleep only to hit the control panel again at 3:47 a.m. and have all the lights come on. Too much technology for me! And since things tend to happen for me in threes, sure enough at 4:40 a.m. I hit the shades again. 

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Topics: Anticipatory, Technology