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August 25, 2021

Urgent Weeds Out Important

CeCe has an upcoming medical procedure that many of us over the age of 50 endure every five years or so. And I just received notice that I have a very important meeting which will take me out of the state for three days which, as you might guess, hits right on the date of her procedure. 

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Topics: Discipline, Focus

June 23, 2021

Time for a Good Scrub?

My workout is done and it’s time to jump in the shower, refresh and head into the office. I’m really excited this morning as things are trending to more and more in-person meetings and opportunities. Even introverts like me need connections and when we interact, it helps us grow faster towards our full potential. But first, back to the shower.

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Topics: Discipline, Self-Awareness, Anticipatory

July 02, 2014

Lessons Learned at the College World Series

A few weeks ago, my family and I went to the College World Series. As I reflect on my trip to Omaha, NE, I am grateful I was able to experience this phenomenal sporting event and be part of a firm that embraces fearless unrivaled flexibility, which allowed me to make the trip. 

The CWS has been on my bucket list for a long time. I love college athletics especially football, basketball and baseball.  Since my favorite team (Ole Miss) waited 42 years to make another CWS appearance, I had almost decided that I would just have to pick a year and plan a trip. Truth is, I have had to cancel flight plans and CWS tickets three times in the last 10 years as the Rebels kept falling one game short. This year my wife would not let me “jinx” us by booking anything in advance. This year, I finally made it to Omaha (she was right again)! 

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Topics: Accounting, Discipline