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August 05, 2020

Lone Wolves Can Destroy a Good Day

As I pull into the Quick Mart to fill up with gas for the trip home, my mind is full of joyful memories from a day of fishing on Lake Whittington. The river has receded and as the water level drops, my favorite fish, crappie, are known to turn on big time. Unfortunately, today wasn’t “the” day, but we caught some fish and it is such a blessing to be out on that beautiful lake just enjoying God’s creation.

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Topics: Culture, Collaboration, Team Building, Leadership

October 09, 2019

Behaviors Matter for Strong, Inclusive and Diverse Teams

At a recent AICPA Women's Initiatives Executive Committee (WIEC) meeting in Seattle, we had a healthy discussion on our future view and how we can move the needle faster for women and overall diversity in our profession.

Research confirms that diversity is not only one demographic marker. Instead, it is an intersection of our many different lenses and personal experiences.

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Topics: Diversity, Team Building, Leadership

August 17, 2017

The Secret Ingredient to Building High-Performance Teams

As we sat elbow-to-elbow in the tiny fellowship hall of the little rural Methodist church, enjoying a delightful selection of home cooked food, Schaeffer (a team member on our healthcare valuation team) leaned over and said, “I bet there’s already a blog idea in your head about this experience.” He was right, but I must confess, at the time I was too busy enjoying the fresh cut skillet corn and the bacon enriched butter beans—an experience that was truly reliving the tradition of “Sunday Lunch” with family and friends.

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Topics: Team Building, Leadership