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Joey Havens

Joey Havens, CPA, is a partner at HORNE, where he passionately lives out his life’s calling to help others see and reach their full potential. Joey challenges leaders to bold transparency, calling on leaders to show their heart while working to connect everyone to the “why,” or the purpose, of the organization. He is a husband, father, grandfather, avid outdoorsman, and fanatical college sports fan.
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Recent Posts

June 16, 2021

Can We See the Light?

Opening our condo door in Oxford, MS (home of my Ole Miss Rebels), I hear this fluttering noise and quickly look around. What is that? Quiet now. It’s about 9 p.m., dark, and I have had a long day on the lake fishing so I’m really excited about getting upstairs and hitting the bed early.    

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Topics: Anticipatory, Vision, Forward Thinking

June 09, 2021

Being a Generous Leader

Last Friday, I joined Jennifer Wilson and Amy Vetter on their weekly Leadership Lunch Chat LIVE to explore generous leadership and the element of gratitude. What I didn’t expect was to leave our discussion both humbled by their generous feedback and also convicted to be more intentional with my generosity. 

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Topics: Servant Leadership, Empowered People, Attitude, Gratitude

June 02, 2021

Watch Your Speed

Jumping into the car with CeCe, we are running a quick errand to pick up some plants for her gardening. Like her late father Poppy, CeCe is a master gardener and we have the yard to prove it. Beautiful!

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Topics: Growth, Habits, Leadership

May 26, 2021

The Biggest Non-Event in Our Firm’s History

There’s an old saying, “When you see a turtle on top of a fence post, chances are he did not get there on his own.” In my case, truer words have never been spoken.

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Topics: Perspective, Wise Firm, Forward Thinking

May 19, 2021

Do You Hear What I Hear?

CeCe is out for a few hours running errands (shopping, I suspect) and I am staring at three strands of chimes that I promised to hang under our porte-cochère. I can see they are very breakable, long and must be positioned where they don’t ring constantly but do ring. I promised to get this done but I admit, I hate these home projects and occasionally tear up more than I fix.  

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Topics: Relationships, Servant Leadership

May 12, 2021

Sunglasses Exposed My Blind Spots

What a painful blog to write and CeCe will be all over this after she reads it. I had just launched my boat into some rough water as three guys watched from the boat ramp. “You going out in this rough water?” they asked. “Yes, I’m going to the north end to wade so I won’t have to deal with the wind and the boat.” Turning the boat into the wind, hitting those first two big waves, my ego got the best of me. I grabbed my Ole Miss cap and swung it around like a cowboy riding a bucking bull, clearly showing out for the guys on the bank.

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Topics: Relationships, People Development, Client Service, Leadership

May 05, 2021

Collaboration Always Nets More Growth

It's a beautiful Saturday morning on the Ross Barnett Reservoir and although the crappie bite has been slow, we have a few small fish in our live well. Thump! Oh yeah, I can tell by the bite this is a big fish. Setting the hook with a quick upward thrust of the jig pole, I feel the weight of this fish. Finally, I have a quality fish on. Here he comes to the top wrapped in lily pads. On no, he is hung and if I pull any harder, it will pull the hook out of his mouth. He is literally suspended right above the water. Instantly I'm yelling for help from my favorite crappie fisherman, Bruce. 

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Topics: Communication, Collaboration, Leadership

April 28, 2021

The Pandemic Saved Our Profession From Itself

Before the pandemic, members of our profession would often say they'd make changes "someday." We had vague concepts, ideas, and experiments for how we'd change, but didn't act on them. The pandemic, though, has pushed us forward, causing us to make genuine transformation. I believe we are healthier today because of it.

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Topics: Future View, transformation

April 21, 2021

Not on My Watch

As my brother-in-law Kris pulls into our driveway with Happy (my mother-in-law, who, as I previously blogged, loves to come over late afternoons for a glass of wine and to embellish some stories), I quickly rise from my chair on the carport and prepare to open her passenger door.  

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Topics: Leadership

April 14, 2021

What Are We Dressing For?

My mother-in-law, Happy, loves to come over and visit in the late afternoons and sit by the fireplace outside, weather permitting. She can be quite funny and we so enjoy her visits. This afternoon she is really on a roll and sharing story after story.

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Topics: Forward Thinking, Future View, Leadership, Growth Mindset

April 07, 2021

Avoidance Thwarts Full Potential

CeCe is feverishly telling some of our best friends about TJ, our neighbor’s long-haired Persian cat, who likes to roam our neighborhood. TJ is a big, beautiful cat. As I’m listening to the story, she shares that TJ has been missing for three days and this is very unusual. Our neighbors are naturally upset and beginning to put posters out, driving around the surrounding neighborhoods and asking everyone to be on the lookout for TJ. CeCe is wrapping up her story when I decide to pipe up with my knowledge of cats.

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Topics: Perspective, CeCe

March 31, 2021

Our Best Is Yet To Come

CeCe is passionate about several variations of barre and loves her daily workouts. Frequently, I get a riveting (hehe) recap of these workouts for the day as we visit before dinner. Tonight, she is expressing her frustration with her ability to bend her left knee sufficiently to hold a certain position properly. She had a total knee replacement several years ago and has worked really hard to restore her full flexibility.  

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Topics: Positive Energy, Leadership, Mindset

March 24, 2021

Sell Results, Not Time

Can you imagine if your surgeon was billing you by the hour? How good would we feel about those contrasting incentives? The longer the surgery, the more the surgeon makes. We might pay a lesser skilled surgeon more than an innovative surgeon who has perfected a less invasive and highly successful surgery.  

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Topics: Client Service, Proactively Guiding, Leadership