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February 23, 2022

Confidence Leads to Progress

Building Block Two in this series [meant to outline the Four Building Blocks to Move to Advisory Services] is Confidence. 

How do we move our organizations towards advisory services? How do we seize our future by being relevant starting now? I think there are four foundational building blocks. Last week, we discussed the first block: MINDSET SHIFT.

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Topics: Communication, Client Service, Growth Mindset, Mindset

February 16, 2022

Educating, Influencing and Encouraging a New Growth Mindset

In my previous blog, we talked about “the gap” and our need for a wake-up call regarding moving to an advisory services mindset. 

So how do we move our organizations towards advisory services? How do we seize our future by being relevant starting now? I think there are four foundational building blocks, and we’ll discuss the first one today: MINDSET SHIFT.

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Topics: Growth Mindset, Mindset

October 27, 2021

How to Avoid the Sunk Cost Trap

CeCe and I have signed up with a group of friends for an outdoor excursion that involves riding in all-terrain army vehicles, hiking and some mountain top sightseeing. Unfortunately, it has been raining cats and dogs for three days. We meet for lunch together before heading to the excursion and our conversations turn to the rain.

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Topics: Attitude, Anticipatory, Leadership, Mindset

March 31, 2021

Our Best Is Yet To Come

CeCe is passionate about several variations of barre and loves her daily workouts. Frequently, I get a riveting (hehe) recap of these workouts for the day as we visit before dinner. Tonight, she is expressing her frustration with her ability to bend her left knee sufficiently to hold a certain position properly. She had a total knee replacement several years ago and has worked really hard to restore her full flexibility.  

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Topics: Positive Energy, Leadership, Mindset

November 18, 2020

Helping Clients Feel Less Vulnerable

It’s 8 a.m. and I’m sitting in a very cold medical exam room. The dermatologist will be in any minute to begin my annual full-body exam. Gosh, all I can think about is how humiliating this is. It’s hard to have the discipline to do this every year. 

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Topics: Client Service, Leadership, Mindset

September 16, 2020

What’s Driving Your Decisions?

One of the MANY things I admire about CeCe is she never suffers from or allows her decisions to be influenced by FOMO. We recently had friends invite us on a trip, and I immediately started advocating for us to join in the fun. CeCe paused a moment and asked, “Do you think we will enjoy that trip? Lots of schedules. And it doesn’t sound like a lot of the activities that you and I really love. I don’t think we should go.” I knew immediately that she was right. I was letting FOMO get in my head. What is FOMO? Fear of Missing Out — a term I actually learned from Seth Godin’s blog.

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Topics: Perspective, CeCe, Mindset