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March 11, 2020

Are Ruts Taking Us Perilously Close to Trouble?

I’m on my four-wheeler today as I head towards my favorite oxbow lake to see if I can catch my favorite fish, crappie! It has been raining for days so the four-wheeler trail is a muddy mess, but I’m smiling all the way back to the lake. It is so much fun to get on this lake all alone and enjoy the sights and sounds of God’s beautiful creation. Catching a few crappie will be the icing on the cake.  

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Topics: Anticipatory, Habits, Windshield View

August 29, 2018

Guess Who’s Not Coming To Dinner?

“We have reassigned your seat to someone else and the flight is closed!” the airline agent firmly stated. This just kept ringing in my ears along with “We will see you in Dallas,” chanted by my three team members waving, smiling and boarding the flight just in front of me. This is when it really hit me—no I will not be having dinner with them in Dallas tonight as planned.  It even crossed my mind the agents were playing a joke on me at the prodding of my team members who are not beyond such trickery.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Windshield View

January 24, 2018

Now means NOW

Lynne Doughtie, Chairman and CEO, KPMG, made a very profound statement at the AICPA Major Firms Group Meeting 2018 in Naples, Florida. She stated, “Now is the time to be getting future ready.” She went on to share how KPMG is taking action now to evolve their business model, services and advisory work. They are investing, designing and building a new training facility to provide a means to rapidly train team members with new skills to be future ready. They are not waiting on Now.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Windshield View

August 30, 2017

The Trouble With Looking Backward

I was laughing uncontrollably on the back of a golf cart when this blog came to life. We were in Palmetto Bluff, SC for our annual HORNE LLP partner retreat. (By the way, this experience is bucket list material. Highly recommend a visit with a few days in a cottage facing the water—incredible views). 

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Topics: Windshield View, Future View, Leadership