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January 11, 2017

Will Your Goals Change Your Life?

It's that time of year—goal setting time. New Year’s resolutions abound on every desk, journal, career goal system, refrigerator, bathroom, car visor, website and even napkins. Of course, there's also those we keep in the clouds and never record unless we generate a moment of early accountability.

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Topics: People Development, Goal Setting

October 19, 2016

Small Steps That Lead to Big Peaks

My wife, Cathy, and I recently had the wonderful blessing of spending a week in scenic Montana as the guest of our friends, Tim and Trish Bartz. We are simply in awe of the beauty of this state and I personally love the 80 MPH interstate. On our second day, Tim took us to a big game reserve called Bear Tooth. The plan was to take a long hike and enjoy the wildlife and beautiful mountain peaks. But we also learned a great life lesson that day. 

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Topics: Goal Setting, Leadership