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December 22, 2021

Joy to the World

This Christmas and holiday season, I wanted to share one of my favorite songs for celebrating Christmas. In December each year, millions of people celebrate religious and spiritually significant holidays, and universally, humankind continues to look for morally good virtues to live by and love is central to all of them.

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Topics: Relationships, Compassion, Belonging, Positive Energy

December 09, 2020

3 Words We Need To Stop Saying

“What do you want to do for dinner tonight, CeCe?” I don’t care is her number one response by a long shot. When I’m with team members, “Where do you want to go to lunch today?” “I don’t care.” Wow, if we only had a restaurant named I Don’t Care, it would be full of customers.

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Topics: Communication, Compassion, Leadership

December 23, 2019

The Christmas Story

One of our family traditions at Christmas is to host the kids and grandkids a couple of weeks early so they can stay home on Christmas Day and enjoy Santa and all the festivities that we are blessed to enjoy. My favorite time is when I read the Christmas story to our grandkids as they listen so intently. (I’ve also learned they are even more attentive when they know the gift exchange is up next. Ha!) They love seeing the pictures of baby Jesus in the manger. And for our family, it is really important that they understand the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

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Topics: Compassion, Positive Energy, Sense of Belonging

June 05, 2019

Oversharing Is Caring

In a recent collaboration meeting with several leaders from numerous organizations and firms, one of them commented, “I think I may have overshared.”  Actually, her thoughts, insights and feelings were exactly what we needed to hear. She had been very vulnerable with us and her comments were both relevant and insightful. After her comment, the word "overshared" kept ringing in my ears. Why did I love this term so much?

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Topics: Communication, Compassion, People Development, Leadership

January 31, 2018

Listening is Caring

Do you ever have those moments when something strikes you as profound, but as you reflect on it you realize—well that’s just common sense? Why am I just realizing this? “Listening is caring” is profound for me simply because I had never intentionally connected the dots.

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Topics: Compassion, Listening, Leadership

June 21, 2017

A Dose of Inspiration Through Caring Conversations

Several years ago due to severe back pain, I discovered I had a condition referred to as dysplastic spondylolisthesis which is caused by a congenital defect (present from birth). This condition has caused a narrowing of my vertebral canal in my lower back. What started as a twitch in my back, quickly put me down! Thankfully, with some rest and medication, the pain subsided and there were no surgeries recommended. I must say I am more careful today than ever on what I pick up or how I put any strain on my back. 

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Topics: Compassion

March 16, 2016

The Sound You Never Want to Hear

This blog is the second in the series, My Top 10 Blunders and How You Can Avoid Them

My wife, Cathy, and I have routinely discussed how hectic and busy Mondays can be each week.  In fact, Monday night is her night to cook as I usually get home the latest on those nights. One busy Monday morning around 10 a.m., I noticed my cell phone ringing and that it was Cathy calling.  I knew this must be an emergency so I answered my phone, “What’s going on?” Cathy replied, “The dishwasher broke, I can’t even get it to turn on.” I quickly replied, “What the hell do you want me to do about it from the office?”

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Topics: Compassion, Leadership

September 30, 2015

Follow-Up on Compassion

A few months ago, I shared my blog, “Compassion."  If you recall, this blog is about my wife choking on a grape and my failure to adequately respond.  After it posted, someone who follows my blog sent me a link with some kind comments.  He stated that a comedy video came to mind when he read the blog. As I watched the clip, it was almost an exact reenactment of my night on the couch.  I am still laughing and so thankful that my episode was only captured in my blog, and not on video.  Here’s the video, get ready for a good laugh. 

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Topics: Compassion

November 19, 2014


As a leader, I am always striving to be better and grow my skillset. My need to continue to develop is even striking me at home. Recently, my wife had a choking spell with a grape. I quickly learned that I did not show enough compassion for her situation when I did not immediately leap over the couch. She could not believe that I could be so unconcerned. 

I have been sharing with her my areas for development and some of the things I have been working on, and she is really into giving me constructive feedback. After the grape incident, when emotions had subsided, her exact words to me were, “You should be working on your compassion at home too.” On reflection, I failed to react with the compassion and concern I felt as urgently as I should have.

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Topics: Compassion