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Joey Havens

Joey Havens, CPA, is a partner at HORNE, where he passionately lives out his life’s calling to help others see and reach their full potential. Joey challenges leaders to bold transparency, calling on leaders to show their heart while working to connect everyone to the “why,” or the purpose, of the organization. He is a husband, father, grandfather, avid outdoorsman, and fanatical college sports fan.
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Recent Posts

March 16, 2022

Little Leaf Big Barrier

So I’m running late to make it to the office for a cherished face-to-face meeting (I’m a little zoomed out, how about you?).

Entering the garage, our third garage door is open. Hmmm, I know I came out last night and hit the buttons to put all three doors down. Yet, there it is, wide open. Something must be too close to the sensor at the bottom of the door.

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Topics: Focus, Full Potential, Habits, Leadership

March 09, 2022

Collaboration Leads To Growth

Do you think having a point of view is important? Clients are looking for advisors with a point of view, and we will need to challenge theirs when they are not being realistic about the challenges they are facing or the opportunities they are missing. 

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Topics: Collaboration, Anticipatory, Client Service

March 02, 2022

Being Anticipatory is Distinctive

This blog is the fourth part of a series that outlines the Four Building Blocks to Move to Advisory Services.

We’ve already discussed the first two blocks: MINDSET SHIFT and CONFIDENCE. ANTICIPATORY SKILLS is the third building block to move our organizations towards advisory services and seize our future by being relevant — starting now.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Client Service

February 23, 2022

Confidence Leads to Progress

Building Block Two in this series [meant to outline the Four Building Blocks to Move to Advisory Services] is Confidence. 

How do we move our organizations towards advisory services? How do we seize our future by being relevant starting now? I think there are four foundational building blocks. Last week, we discussed the first block: MINDSET SHIFT.

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Topics: Communication, Client Service, Growth Mindset, Mindset

February 16, 2022

Educating, Influencing and Encouraging a New Growth Mindset

In my previous blog, we talked about “the gap” and our need for a wake-up call regarding moving to an advisory services mindset. 

So how do we move our organizations towards advisory services? How do we seize our future by being relevant starting now? I think there are four foundational building blocks, and we’ll discuss the first one today: MINDSET SHIFT.

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Topics: Growth Mindset, Mindset

February 09, 2022

Mind the Gap: The Gap Is Bigger

We see it every day — automation, implemented well, reduces the amount of compliance work we perform.

We experience it every day — fierce competition from outside our profession pursuing our clients. 

We feel it every day — the market for professional services is demanding and opening the door for “higher-value services.”

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Topics: Anticipatory, Leadership, Growth Mindset

February 02, 2022

I Didn’t See My Shadow!

I turn 64 today! Yes, today is my birthday and as an introvert, I normally tell no one it’s my birthday. So odd how differently people react to this day. Many shout it out from the rooftops and we should as each one is a precious gift from God. When you are entering the fourth quarter, you tend to reflect more on things, you realize the clock might be running even faster than you think as we never know if we will get to the fourth quarter or how long we get to play.

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Topics: Perspective, Growth, Self-Awareness

January 26, 2022

How to Avoid Being Irrelevant

A recent beBetter blog, Price is Rarely the Issue, generated some interesting comments and thoughts. One that really caught my attention was from a HORNE team member in Tennessee, David Friedt. David shared a humorous story about how a car salesman was attempting to make a car distinctive with some of the features.  

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Topics: Customer Experience, Hard Trend, Anticipatory, Client Service, Leadership

January 19, 2022

Even Santa Has Bad Days

I’m so excited to be headed back to my camp just north of Vicksburg, MS, close to Eagle Lake and inside the Mississippi River levee. What a special place to enjoy God’s creation and the beauty of all the nature around us. 

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Topics: Leadership, Questions

January 12, 2022

Look Backward. Live Forward.

2022 will most likely still be full of ups and downs but we made it through the last two years so hopefully we approach this year with more grace, compassion and patience.

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Topics: Forward Thinking

January 05, 2022

Hindsight Really is 2020

This week, let’s continue our look back, this time revisiting what got our attention in the middle of the pandemic. 2020 may not have been what we planned. It certainly wasn’t what any of us wanted. But the lessons learned were pivotal and maybe just what we needed to set us on a better path ahead.

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Topics: Perspective, Leadership

December 29, 2021

A Tale of Simpler Times

As 2021 winds down, I think we are collectively breathing a sigh of relief that we made it through another extremely challenging year.

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December 22, 2021

Joy to the World

This Christmas and holiday season, I wanted to share one of my favorite songs for celebrating Christmas. In December each year, millions of people celebrate religious and spiritually significant holidays, and universally, humankind continues to look for morally good virtues to live by and love is central to all of them.

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Topics: Relationships, Compassion, Belonging, Positive Energy