A Tale of Simpler Times

As 2021 winds down, I think we are collectively breathing a sigh of relief that we made it through another extremely challenging year.

With all that this pandemic has thrown at us, it’s no wonder that people are feeling overwhelmed. We’ve been inundated with uncertainty but we also saw people come together, doing all they can to make things better for others. And I think it’s important to take a minute to recognize and celebrate this.

Typically, I spend this week reflecting on the most popular beBetter blogs of the year. But we have seen so much change in the last 24 months — let’s take the next two weeks to look at what got our attention before the pandemic, in the middle of the pandemic and in 2021 where we begin to learn to live with this virus. Starting in simpler times… 2019.

Happy reading… and Happy New Year!

Embarrassed by My Attitude             

shutterstock_1454838569-1It's so easy to let our guard down, to give control of our attitude away to circumstances. I hope this life lesson (and my embarrassment) will help you give someone who's having a bad day the benefit of good intentions. It reminds me again—being grateful is a discipline, not a feeling.  Read more...

18 Trends Shaping New Pricing Models     

Pricing-Strategy-1 In this blog, I share my top reasons firms are learning new ways to price services and implementing new business models not driven by time. They are in no particular order but share the common thread — time spent to do the work has nothing to do with the value created for clients. Read more...

You Can Do It! 

shutterstock_145679117There’s no such thing as too much encouragement. So let’s encourage a friend, family member, someone serving us in some capacity or even a stranger today and see how it goes. I predict there will be a lot of people who will go the extra mile! I did, thanks to a stranger who cared. Read more...

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