Look Backward. Live Forward.

2022 will most likely still be full of ups and downs but we made it through the last two years so hopefully we approach this year with more grace, compassion and patience.

Personally, I’m incredibly energized to explore what the future of business might be and look forward to sharing more of my stories, lessons and experiences with you along the way.

Thank you for your support, encouragement and accountability. I’m trying my best to beBetter. And I’m looking forward to doing that together with you.

Without further ado, one last look back at the best of 2021.

What Are We Dressing For?      

shutterstock_620369489How often are we dressing up ourselves, our careers, firms, and businesses with no real plan or vision of what we are dressing for? Are we even putting the right outfits on based on the weather and trends of change? Are we dressing up just like we did 20 years ago, ten years ago, five years ago or even more relevant today — one year ago? Read more...

Oliver Stretches His Futureview, How About Us?  


Are we really stretching in our futureview? Are we looking beyond our normal line of sight? How are we expanding our understanding of the opportunities and challenges? Are we anticipating big trends like Oliver is anticipating the neighbor walking their dog this morning? Read more...

You Don’t Deserve It   

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When we understand that we really don’t deserve anything, even our smallest blessings are more joyful and our mindset shifts to gratitude. Gratitude simply leads to more blessings, more joy, better friendships and a fulfilled, happy life. For me, I don’t deserve it and I know it. Read more...

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