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Ryan Wallace

Ryan Wallace is an associate who serves public and middle market clients. He joined us in 2014, and hit the ground running—embracing his role in building the Wise Firm. He has a heart for service, a talent for graphic design, and love for camping.
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Recent Posts

July 12, 2018

The Drive to Number One

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of attending the 2018 Domino’s World Rally in Las Vegas. The amount of team unity and energy radiated by the participants and franchisees from across the globe was staggering. This year’s conference theme was “Drive.” HORNE was one of the exhibitors.

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Topics: Results, Growth, Future View

June 01, 2017

Leave It Better Than You Found It

As often as we can, my wife and I like to steal away to the great outdoors for some camping and hiking. The fresh air, beautiful creation, and peace and quiet are a welcome change from what can sometimes be a very busy pace.

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Topics: Quality Improvement, Value-Based Care, Culture, Full Potential

February 25, 2016

Abandon Fear and Go All-In

I’ve always been inspired by people who have successful careers, are at the top of their game and then throw caution to the wind by selling everything they have, cutting ties to their old life and pursuing a long-standing dream in their new-found freedom. Doesn’t simply reading those stories fill you with a sense of amazement and inspire you, even if for a brief moment? Seeing their faces when they tell their stories, with an infectious grin from ear to ear, that's the passion and all-in attitude we need in the workplace today. 

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Topics: Building a Wise Firm, Culture, Full Potential

July 30, 2015

Speak Their Language

My wife and I take walks during the week. It’s hard since we both work full-time jobs, but it’s an investment we make time for as often as we can.  During our walks, we cover a wide range of topics from money, to in-laws, to you-name-it. Today, we hit heads and identified some key areas that we both struggle with. In order to work through those things, we’ve determined that we need to speak the other’s language, and speak it well.

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Topics: Teamwork, Feedback, Belonging