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Katherine G. Watts

Katherine is the partner in charge of healthcare services for HORNE LLP. She leads a team of Certified Public Accountants and health care consultants providing services to physicians, medical groups, hospital systems, ambulatory surgery centers and other health care organizations as they develop strategies to meet today's market demands. Kathy provides healthcare, consulting and taxation services. Her primary concentration is in both the financial and operational aspects of medical practices including startups, mergers and dissolutions, outsourced accounting, physician compensation modeling, practice and clinic transfers of ownership, benchmarking and fee schedules, and tax planning and consulting. Kathy also serves on HORNE's board of directors.
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Recent Posts

January 05, 2017

Closing the Gap in Leadership Diversity

Three years ago, an internal survey of our team members shined a spotlight on an area we realized we had to be intentional to overcome: Leadership Diversity. Without intent, the unconscious bias of our current leaders would most likely result in the growth and promotion of other team members who reminded them of themselves. We know our future relevancy depends on diversity of thought which comes from diversity of experiences. So, with the introduction of our Belonging at HORNE Sponsorship and Advocacy program, we set out to increase transparency around leadership development, create access and drive diversity in leadership across the firm.

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Topics: Culture, Diversity, Leadership

May 26, 2016

We Are HORNE. And We Are Building the Wise Firm.

I remember the day I saw the very first draft of The Wise Firm Way. I was sitting in a board of directors meeting in 2015, and we had been talking about the Wise Firm outside of the walls of HORNE for less than 12 months. That initial script was rough and there was still a lot of work to do, but I remember feeling so excited about seeing our vision for our future so clearly formed. There were still some lingering questions throughout the firm about why we were choosing to make such a big push on culture externally. And I am sure some were asking why we were so vividly describing the firm we were building together to those who don’t even work at HORNE. 

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Topics: Culture

December 10, 2015

It’s Not a Women’s Issue

As Partner Rusty Butcher shared in last week’s blog, advancing women into leadership roles is a critical focus for both HORNE and the profession.  At the same AICPA women’s summit that Rusty attended, Executive Partner Joey Havens and I served on the panel that addressed sponsorship and advocacy in the profession—which, unfortunately, for most can be a check-the-box exercise unless our mindsets change along with our methods. 

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Topics: Women Leadership, Diversity, Leadership

November 12, 2015

Sponsors, Not Just Mentors, a Key Factor in Career Success

I’m a female in a profession that is traditionally dominated by men at the highest levels of the organization. My entire career has been marked by the word “only”—the only woman on the board, the only woman at the table, etc.

Or, so I thought.

When we first began to work on HORNE’s formal sponsorship program, I began to look back over my 30-year career and realize that I had mistakenly placed that “only” label on my own path. In fact, in hindsight, I realize that there were many other people who played very important and intentional roles in my “only” positions. I did not get to be the only woman by myself.

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Topics: Belonging, Full Potential

October 22, 2015

Learning the Skill of Anticipation is Game-Changing and Required

We announced this week that HORNE is the nation’s first accounting firm to partner with The Anticipatory Organization and train its team members with “The Anticipatory Organization™: Accounting and Finance Edition.”

What in the world does that mean you might ask? The short answer is this: accountants are operating in a world defined by accelerating change and complexity. As a result, the ability to anticipate (disruptions, problems, customer needs and new opportunities) will be the most important skill any business person can possess.

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Topics: Accounting, Wise Firm

August 27, 2015

Are You Ready to Lead?

This week our team shared “Sunday Lunch” together in New Orleans for our annual HORNE Leadership Summit. We had a great time! But, we were also challenged. Holding nothing back, Executive Partner Joey Havens asked us all: “Are you ready to lead as we build the Wise Firm together?”

What an important question! And, I think we all have a better understanding now, that we each have to make the intentional choice to lead.

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Topics: Building a Wise Firm, Wise Firm

May 14, 2015

Diversity and Inclusion Isn’t Enough

Belonging Shown to be Key Indicator in Achievement

I grew up in public accounting. As a female in an industry where leadership is traditionally dominated by men, it’s safe to say I’ve experienced challenges. And, because of my own journey, championing a diverse and inclusive culture within our firm has long been a passion of mine. However, I’ve realized over the last few years that diversity and inclusion isn’t actually enough. We have to take it to another level.

What we really are striving for is a true sense of belonging. For everyone.

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Topics: Culture, Belonging