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Jessica Loper

Jessica is a Senior Associate in the Government Services sector of Horne LLP. She specializes in regulatory compliance and ensures projects adhere to state and federal guidelines. Jessica has experience in the documentation of project policies and procedures. She is also highly skilled at problem identification and solution implantation which aid in project successfulness.

Recent Posts

November 09, 2018

Business Professional, Mom and…Acrobat?

When I was in college working to obtain my bachelor’s in business management, if someone told me that one day I would grow up to become an acrobat, I would have told them they’d lost their mind. Pigs had a better chance of sprouting wings and taking to the sky than I had of navigating a trapeze. Yet here I sit ten years later, constantly walking a tightrope as I try to balance work and home life.

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Topics: Growth, Fearless Unrivaled Flexibility, Honor Values

April 12, 2018

Business Investments Don’t Just Take Place on Wall Street

Business investments take place throughout all levels of a company and when you hear the words business investment you might think of items such as stocks, bonds, and dividends. Perhaps you picture shrewd business deals taking place between titans of the industry behind large, mahogany office doors. While you wouldn’t be wrong, I would like to take a moment to talk about a different type of business investment that we can all take part in no matter what our role or responsibilities. I am referring to investing in your team.

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Topics: Engagement, Teamwork, Ownership