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Dan Eveland

Dan Eveland is a healthcare assurance associate at HORNE LLP are assurance practice and specializes in providing auditing and advisory services to our clients.
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August 25, 2017

Intentional Leadership Requires Taking Risks to Reach Your Full Potential

I'm an avid golfer. Not necessarily the best golfer in the world, but golfing is something I am passionate about and allows me to get outside and decompress after a long week. It's the personal time I need to refocus so that I can be fresh for the week ahead. If you have never played golf before, it is a game that requires many small (but impactful) decisions throughout a round. A common decision I am forced to make is whether to play it "safe" and layup, or attempt the more difficult shot with a higher risk but the potential for a greater outcome. The obvious answer for this conservative accountant is to play it safe, right?  Wrong! As a golf buddy of mine likes to say, "You can't make eagle by laying up!"

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Topics: Empowered People, Leadership