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Chrissy Leggett

Chrissy is a senior manager in healthcare services at HORNE LLP. She collaborates with clients to simplify the complexity associated with payment model reform, quantify the financial impacts, and empower healthcare leaders with insights to transform MIPS/APM from a compliance burden into an opportunity for their organizations. In addition, she works with physicians and hospitals to determine the fair market value of physician/hospital arrangements and performs business valuations of medical practices, ambulatory surgery centers, hospitals and other medical facilities. She has experience with group practices and several large hospital systems in the development and implementation of physician compensation modeling and fair market value contractual agreements. She is also a member of HORNE’s Personnel Committee.
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Recent Posts

August 19, 2016

What Our Feedback Movement Is & Why It's Important

I was recently asked to sum up what HORNE’s feedback movement is and why it’s important in 60 seconds. Wow! I had never thought about needing an elevator speech for our feedback movement. As a leader of our Thanks for the Feedback workshop, I live, eat, breathe and sleep this feedback stuff—but I never really thought about having to convince a feedback skeptic about the importance of feedback.

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Topics: Feedback