Now means NOW

Lynne Doughtie, Chairman and CEO, KPMG, made a very profound statement at the AICPA Major Firms Group Meeting 2018 in Naples, Florida. She stated, “Now is the time to be getting future ready.” She went on to share how KPMG is taking action now to evolve their business model, services and advisory work. They are investing, designing and building a new training facility to provide a means to rapidly train team members with new skills to be future ready. They are not waiting on Now.

I also gathered from her remarks that one of the greatest risks is—are they moving fast enough? This might be where each of us can gain some focus and speed. Are we moving fast enough to move our organization and/or ourself to be future ready? What can we prioritize to increase our rate of learning? How can we accelerate our ideas to fruition? How can we increase the rate of our experimentation and innovation?

Leon Katsnelson of IBM stated at the conference in San Francisco, “Today, if you wait until you can prove it, you have waited too late.” Now means NOW. Waiting is actually one of the riskiest options we have. What are we doing now to be future ready? (Talking, plans, meetings and understanding don’t count, ha!) Let’s move forward NOW with actions to be future ready.

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