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June 01, 2016

My Top 10 Blunders and How You Can Avoid Them

Last week, I published the tenth blunder in the blog series, My Top 10 Blunders and How You Can Avoid Them.

As leaders, I think that it’s important that we acknowledge our mistakes. We need to own them, learn from them and not be afraid to laugh at ourselves. This creates a positive and light mood for your team, and enables them to break free from the fear of making mistakes. Some of my most rewarding moments as a leader have come after I owned my mistakes. 

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Topics: People Development, Leadership

April 13, 2016

Topics: People Development, Leadership

March 09, 2016

Too Focused On “ME?”

This blog is the first in the series, My Top 10 Blunders and How You Can Avoid Them.

As I reflect on my career, I must admit it did not take me long to note many more than 10 blunders. For my sanity, I have decided to share only what might be the top 10 in this blog series. I wouldn’t say this first blunder was the biggest but it certainly felt like the right place to start. It certainly ranks in the top five.    

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Topics: Focus, People Development, Leadership

October 07, 2015

Leaders, Stop Saying This Now

Okay, today we may step on some toes (including mine) but sometimes we need to be a little uncomfortable in order to reach our full potential.  We will certainly never reach our full potential if we don’t get out of our comfort zones, so we should expect and want to be uncomfortable fairly frequently.  Comfortable is good, but uncomfortable is great and certainly more fulfilling. 

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Topics: People Development, Leadership

June 10, 2015

Real Issues in My World: The Leadership Void

This blog is the first in a five part series adapted from the AICPA White Paper, Becoming the Firm of the Future, which is available here.

This blog has been about encouragement and development, but sometimes we need to talk about the challenges we are facing, too. And I’ve got a real issue in my world, many of us do: developing other leaders.

In the accounting profession, succession projections are outright scary and our profession’s leadership development mindset, which is too frequently boasted as “sink or swim” or “figure it out,” is killing us. Together, the numbers and the mindset have created a leadership void that literally threatens our ability to remain relevant.

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Topics: People Development, Leadership