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October 24, 2018

How Can We Stay Positive?

Recently several people have shared how they struggle to maintain a positive attitude consistently. As I reflected on this, I thought I would share my greatest insight into remaining positive. There’s a secret sauce that, when we apply it regularly, will leave us with lots of positive energy. 

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Topics: Gratitude

November 21, 2017

Be Thankful and Enjoy Each Day

This is Corinne Johnson who just celebrated her 98th birthday (a day early by the way)—just as smart as she's always been! Corinne and her late husband “Shorty” Johnson have been friends with my parents my entire life and played a support role for me as I tried to find my way as a teenager. Whether it was hanging out to talk Ole Miss football or borrowing a gun to hunt, I was known to spend time at the Johnson’s house. 

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Topics: Perspective, Gratitude

November 22, 2016

Every Day Is Thanksgiving

My family and I are blessed in so many ways that every day is a day of thanksgiving. I start each day by reflecting on things that I am grateful for.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving this week, I want to say thank you for taking your precious time to read this beBetter blog, joining in the conversation and sharing life experiences. 

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Topics: Building a Wise Firm, Gratitude, Leadership

April 06, 2016

Topics: Gratitude

November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Day is a Hard Trend Too

This week, I’m taking a quick break from the recent blog series on hard trends in public accounting (most businesses have the same or similar trends). Instead, I want to share about another hard trend: Thanksgiving Day.  It’s a hard trend because we know its coming in November every year. 

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Topics: Gratitude