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March 16, 2022

Little Leaf Big Barrier

So I’m running late to make it to the office for a cherished face-to-face meeting (I’m a little zoomed out, how about you?).

Entering the garage, our third garage door is open. Hmmm, I know I came out last night and hit the buttons to put all three doors down. Yet, there it is, wide open. Something must be too close to the sensor at the bottom of the door.

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Topics: Focus, Full Potential, Habits, Leadership

September 15, 2021

What is Missing?

Oh, how I love my first cup of coffee early in the morning. Sometimes, I’ll grind my own beans and make a big pot, especially if we have overnight guests. But for workdays, it’s usually just a Keurig pod. This morning, I walk into the kitchen, let Oliver out the patio door, grab my coffee pod, pop it in the Keurig and we are moments away from starting another great day.

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Topics: Focus, Purpose

September 08, 2021

Collaboration Is Critical to Success

“Will you hang these curtains back up? I have the hooks already in them.”

I gaze over at the pile of curtains sitting on our den couch and then up to the tall windows. I’m thinking this will require the ladder for sure.

“Sure, CeCe, that’s the very next thing I will do. Just let me finish with this blog.”

Three hours later, I had my blog draft ready, the dog walked, scoured my Ole Miss football news, paid some bills and finished a snack. Then the glare from the sun hits me right in the eyes as I walk by and I am immediately reminded of the glare that I’m going to get from CeCe when she walks into the room. Oops! I have completely forgotten the curtains.

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Topics: Focus, Communication, Collaboration

August 25, 2021

Urgent Weeds Out Important

CeCe has an upcoming medical procedure that many of us over the age of 50 endure every five years or so. And I just received notice that I have a very important meeting which will take me out of the state for three days which, as you might guess, hits right on the date of her procedure. 

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Topics: Discipline, Focus

August 11, 2021

Multi-Tasking Lowers Our Productivity and Raises Our Stress

"Wow, CeCe, you look like you have had a long day," as I come into our den after work.  

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Topics: Focus, Time Management

March 17, 2021

Efficiency Can Destroy Effectiveness

As I listen to the team go over the new plan on process improvement, I’ve heard the word “efficient” several times. It’s obvious that we have certainly made an old manual process more automated and more efficient. Efficiency is not a bad thing — unless we let it destroy being effective. First, let me own that this is a pet peeve of mine. Being efficient is NOT the same as being effective.

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Topics: Focus, Forward Thinking, Leadership

October 21, 2020

Jogging in the Rain

I am back out on the jogging trail for my second jog this week. My legs are a little weary from the four miles I did yesterday, so my first mile is a scorching 13:43. I walked a little to warm up.

It’s cloudy today, and the skies are looking stormier by the step. I’m getting close to the end of mile two, as I glance down and see I’m averaging 13:14 pace when the first raindrops hit me. I’m making the turn and heading back, as the bottom literally falls out. It feels like someone is dumping buckets of water on me as I jog (trudge) back for the final two miles.

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Topics: Focus, Goals, Clarity

September 23, 2020

How Did You Spend Your Time?

As most of us have come out of the stringent COVID-19 lockdowns, now is a great time to reflect. We have learned so many valuable life lessons. And the importance of connections with family and friends and making them priorities have been highlighted in many ways. 

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Topics: Focus, COVID-19

February 12, 2020

Muddy Mess

It’s a steamy August morning, and I’m on my way to Eagle Lake, MS. A high-power pressure washer is loaded in the back of my truck, and I expect it will be my companion for the next six to eight hours.

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Topics: Focus, Clarity

January 29, 2020

Is It Time to Hit Reset?

CeCe and I are driving in from the Fraser River Valley area to the rental car return at Vancouver Airport in heavy traffic. What should have been a 2-hour drive has turned into 4 hours of stressed filled stop and go. Five days earlier, we had rented a car in downtown Vancouver to enjoy some scheduled vacation time fly fishing and hiking, which happen to be our favorite things to do together. Our rental car is practically brand new and loaded with technology, including a GPS.

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Topics: Focus, CeCe, Clarity

March 20, 2019

What Matters Most Right Now?

I’m amazed by how easily I can become consumed with things that aren’t the main focus. I might have a presentation to prepare for, yet I will check Twitter or LinkedIn instead. What matters most  connecting on social media or focusing on giving my best in the presentation? Another example is when my grandchild wants to play at the playground 30 minutes longer than I had planned. What really matters most  my plan or extra time with this precious child?

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Topics: Focus, People Development, Leadership

September 12, 2018

8 Ways to Overcome a Bad Day

We have all experienced those bad days when nothing goes right or we get bad news that seems to consume us and our day. Over the years, I have developed ways to reframe these moments that diminishes their effect on me and my team. Although no amount of reframing will make bad news good, there’s an opportunity for us to be at our best to deal with these bad moments or bad news.

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Topics: Perspective, Focus, Self-Awareness, Self-Discipline

September 05, 2018

Lessons from Beaver Creek

As we set out on our recent hike near Beaver Creek, Colorado, the first mistake I made was reading the hiking map. I informed CeCe that it was just three miles roundtrip so we should be able to do this easily in two hours. Thankfully, I did point out that it had some pretty good elevation to it.

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Topics: Focus, Determination