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September 09, 2020

Out of Gas

Sheer panic has set in as I’m looking at my dashboard and see the yellow light blinking Low Fuel. I’m really, really past low so I check my phone for the nearest gas station — 11.5 miles! I’m pulling my boat so I’m burning a lot of fuel per mile. My heart is racing as I know I’m on the brink of being out of gas.

Honestly, I’m dreading being on the side of the road, leaving my truck and boat, and walking in this 100-degree heat to get gas. Surely, I can make it seven miles, maybe even nine. I can feel the fear and panic rising as I countdown each mile to safety.

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September 02, 2020

Push Past the Pain

The beach is one of the places that restores my energy and creativity.  

Thanks to some great friends’ hospitality, CeCe and I have enjoyed the beautiful ocean views on 30A near Seagrove Beach, Florida, this year. I decided to work virtually and gaze out of the den to a beautiful white sandy beach and clear ocean waves.

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Topics: Growth, Life-Long Learning, Leadership

August 26, 2020

Everyone Wants an Easy Button

About three years ago, we switched to a local pharmacy that is literally one mile from our house. CeCe frequently rides the golf cart over to pick up our prescriptions.

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Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Service

August 19, 2020

Building Experiences for Forever Clients

This is a hilarious short video of Sully’s meltdown while expressing his deep desire to be with Pops (that’s me!). I obviously love it. And this mindset can be inspirational if we consider relating it to our client experiences. Are we focused on them enough?

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Topics: Customer Experience, Client Service

August 12, 2020

Could We Use a Freeze?

Here comes my fifth Zoom call of the day and the fatigue is real, but I’m also glad I “get to” have a busy schedule with impactful meetings. As I get ready for my next call, I recognize the fatigue and make a mad dash to the breakroom for coffee. Throwing back the caffeine as our call gets underway, I’m coming back to life as the passion from one team member is building.

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Topics: Collaboration, Self-Awareness, Leadership

August 05, 2020

Lone Wolves Can Destroy a Good Day

As I pull into the Quick Mart to fill up with gas for the trip home, my mind is full of joyful memories from a day of fishing on Lake Whittington. The river has receded and as the water level drops, my favorite fish, crappie, are known to turn on big time. Unfortunately, today wasn’t “the” day, but we caught some fish and it is such a blessing to be out on that beautiful lake just enjoying God’s creation.

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Topics: Culture, Collaboration, Team Building, Leadership

July 29, 2020

Self-Discipline Requires Energy

Earlier this year (in a pre-COVID time of travel), I was casually walking down the airport terminal in Austin, TX, on my way to Gate 23 as I glance to my right and see Amy’s Ice Cream. Positive, disciplined thoughts are flooding my mind as I try to focus. “Don’t slow down, don’t look at the menu board, don’t look back.” Ice cream is one of my weaknesses and I need to stay disciplined so I can reach my weight loss goal.

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Topics: Self-Discipline, Goals

July 22, 2020

Are You Eager to Seize New Opportunities?

“I would take a 7:30 a.m. hair appointment. I mean it, I would not hesitate.” I listen in shock as I look into CeCe’s eyes to make sure I heard her correctly. This one statement says so much about how eager we are to get our lives back. CeCe hates to get up early! However, after weeks of sheltering at home, she will do just about anything for some semblance of normalcy.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Opportunity, Forward Thinking

July 15, 2020

Emerging Trends Create Opportunities for More Diverse Teams and Leadership

This pandemic has rocked our world and the digital accelerator was pushed to the floorboard. We’re not going back to business as usual before COVID-19, and our profession is starving for more diverse teams to lead our clients and our nation out of this recession and into economic recovery. In a recent AICPA Insights blog, I shared opportunities for women to propel our profession forward with expanded influence and leadership during this pandemic and beyond. 

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Topics: Women Leadership, Opportunity, Diversity, Future View

July 08, 2020

No Kid Wants to Leave the Park

CeCe and I are having an evening glass of wine and winding down from the day as we sit on our front porch, observing all of our quarantined neighbor’s new activities to pass the time. Walking, jogging, dog walking, bicycles, scooters, golf carts, fishing, and of course, the kid’s playground, which is right in front of our house. This playground has become a center of daily activity and lately, I suspect it is also serving as a secret happy hour spot.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Proactively Guiding, Future View

July 01, 2020

I Knew You Could Do It!

I can hear CeCe in the gym upstairs as she’s obviously in the middle of her daily iPad workout. Since the shelter in place orders took effect, CeCe has religiously worked out with these online routines. Today, I heard something that stopped me in my tracks.

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Topics: Forward Thinking, Digital Transformation

June 24, 2020

What Has Changed for You?

CeCe and I have spent a lot of time at home together with the COVID-19 shelter in place orders, as I am sure you have with your family. So when the Governor opened up the restaurants for 50% dining capacity, we were the first in line at our favorite spot. It was delightful, and we reflected on how much we had taken this privilege for granted when we were able to go whenever we wanted.

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Topics: Growth, Positive Energy, Growth Mindset, CeCe

June 17, 2020

Topics: Future View