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September 12, 2018

8 Ways to Overcome a Bad Day

We have all experienced those bad days when nothing goes right or we get bad news that seems to consume us and our day. Over the years, I have developed ways to reframe these moments that diminishes their effect on me and my team. Although no amount of reframing will make bad news good, there’s an opportunity for us to be at our best to deal with these bad moments or bad news.

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Topics: Perspective, Focus, Self-Awareness, Self-Discipline

September 05, 2018

Lessons from Beaver Creek

As we set out on our recent hike near Beaver Creek, Colorado, the first mistake I made was reading the hiking map. I informed CeCe that it was just three miles roundtrip so we should be able to do this easily in two hours. Thankfully, I did point out that it had some pretty good elevation to it.

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Topics: Focus, Determination

August 29, 2018

Guess Who’s Not Coming To Dinner?

“We have reassigned your seat to someone else and the flight is closed!” the airline agent firmly stated. This just kept ringing in my ears along with “We will see you in Dallas,” chanted by my three team members waving, smiling and boarding the flight just in front of me. This is when it really hit me—no I will not be having dinner with them in Dallas tonight as planned.  It even crossed my mind the agents were playing a joke on me at the prodding of my team members who are not beyond such trickery.

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Topics: Anticipatory, Windshield View

August 22, 2018

Self-Awareness Generates Positive Thinking

Sure, we all have bad days here and there. Feelings of negativity can quietly creep in and before we know it, we may find ourselves feeling irritable, stressed, or even resentful.

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Topics: Self-Awareness

August 15, 2018

Focus Can Be Painful — Distractions Even More So

This blog is a fable that hopefully provides a humorous look into how distractions and interruptions can be very painful due to lost time and opportunities. Since I have recently shared some humor from my brother Mike’s storytelling, we will use his medical practice for today’s fable.

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Topics: Focus, storytelling

August 08, 2018

Let's Listen

Okay, I admit it. I need to be a better listener. The truth is, I learn so much more when I’m not trying to do all the talking. How about you?

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Topics: Communication

August 01, 2018

Does Confirmation Bias Help Us Weigh Less?

I am working diligently to keep my weight at 195 pounds. As part of my early morning ritual, I weigh and record my weight almost every morning. Yes, I write it down because it creates more accountability as I reflect on my track record daily and keeps me focused on my goal.

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Topics: Focus, Self-Awareness, Leadership

July 25, 2018

The Problem With Making Assumptions in Client Service

As I have shared previously, my brother, Mike, has a unique ability to bring humor to moments that simply bring you to tears laughing. One Sunday after church, we were having a family luncheon with my parents, Pop Joe and Mom, Mike, his wife Joy, my sister Mitzi, her husband Tim, and my wife CeCe at a local restaurant in Batesville, Mississippi. It was a hot summer day and we were enjoying a southern favorite—ice cold tea—as we waited. As you might guess, Sunday after church in a small town with few restaurant choices makes for a crowded and SLOW dining experience. However, we were having a great time visiting and catching up on family current events and stories while we waited.

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Topics: Communication, Collaboration, Client Service

July 18, 2018

Choose Wisely

Here’s a profound thought for you: we are where we are today due to our choices.

Yeah, I bet you’re thinking, “No kidding,” right?

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Topics: Decision Making, Leadership

July 11, 2018

Storytelling Works Better Than Viagra

My brother, Mike, is a family practice physician and has the well-earned reputation of being an excellent humorous storyteller.  He can make the most normal human moments comical to the point that everyone within earshot will be laughing. 

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Topics: Communication, Client Service, storytelling, Insight

July 03, 2018

Be Bold. Be Vulnerable.

“Be bold.” These two little words sure can pack a big punch. After all, being bold often requires being vulnerable. And being vulnerable is not a comfortable place to be!

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Topics: Leadership

June 27, 2018

Splinters and Frogs Are Good Things

Andy Taggart shared this great story a few weeks ago on Twitter. As I read and reflected on it, it became crystal clear that this is the same collaboration needed in our firms and companies. More Baby Boomers and Gen X sharing their knowledge and experience while working directly with our youngest generation of team members. The fastest leadership development and the best way to close the succession gap is by being “in the room” or “in the meeting.”  

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Topics: People Development, Leadership

June 20, 2018

Taco and Status Quo Live On

Two of our best friends, Alan and Lisa (I won’t mention their last name for privacy purposes) recently told us this hilarious story about their cat, Taco.

So, Taco Purdie, a big, orange cat with a slight white streak on his back has been a family pet for 15 years. Alan has become very fond of this cat who guards their yard with fierce ownership. On this morning, as Alan left for work, he did not see Taco but didn’t really give it much thought. As he turned out on the main road from the neighborhood, he had only gone a few hundred yards when he saw an orange-colored cat lying in the middle of the road–dead. As he rode past, he thought, “Surely that isn’t Taco,” and he turned his car around to check. 

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Topics: Status Quo