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October 12, 2017

How Ikea Thought Outside the Box

If you’ve never shopped at Ikea yourself, chances are that you know someone who has. And you’ve likely heard a horror story about attempting to assemble one of the furniture giant’s shipped-flat products. (If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, search the Internet for “Ikea assembly horror stories” and you’ll quickly get up to speed on the tragi-comic experiences that so many customers have shared.) Ikea has heard plenty of these stories, too, and a recent strategic move by the company shows that they have listened and adapted.

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Topics: Innovation, Anticipatory

May 19, 2017

Next-Generation Audits: What’s In It for You?

Like most businesses, we’re constantly seeking to improve our services. The biggest change we’re anticipating and planning for is automation of audit and internal audit services. There is a lot of discussion about how this development will impact the profession. But we’ve noticed that very little has been written about the impact of these changes to our clients. As we develop and deploy new technology for our audit projects, how will our services and delivery to you change?

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Topics: Audit, Innovation, Client Service