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Hannah Lewis

Hannah is a public and middle market supervisor at HORNE LLP where she specializes in assurance services.
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Recent Posts

October 12, 2017

How Ikea Thought Outside the Box

If you’ve never shopped at Ikea yourself, chances are that you know someone who has. And you’ve likely heard a horror story about attempting to assemble one of the furniture giant’s shipped-flat products. (If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, search the Internet for “Ikea assembly horror stories” and you’ll quickly get up to speed on the tragi-comic experiences that so many customers have shared.) Ikea has heard plenty of these stories, too, and a recent strategic move by the company shows that they have listened and adapted.

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Topics: Innovation, Anticipatory

October 13, 2016

Wells Fargo Scandal: How to Avoid the Fraud Pyramid and Its Costly Effects

A colleague told me a story about fraud at a retail chain where she worked after college. The company was having a problem with cash theft in one particular store, so the district manager scheduled polygraph tests for the cashiers to find the culprit or culprits.

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Topics: Audit, Internal Audit

March 03, 2016

3 Lessons from the VW Emissions Scandal

Volkswagen is in trouble. Independent testing revealed last fall that VW had cheated diesel emissions tests in the United States. This news precipitated a dramatic decline in the company’s stock price, investigations by the EPA and Congress, and threats of lawsuits from VW owners.

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Topics: Board Members, Governance