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January 19, 2017

4 Key Focus Areas for Effective Vendor Management

Vendor risk is one of the key problem areas of enterprise risk management. Among other things, outsourcing critical processes and systems containing confidential information makes the challenge of managing vendor risk and compliance even more difficult. According to Director of Cyber IT Risk Services Bryan Allison, businesses should focus on four key areas in order to protect themselves, their employees, the customers that are the core to their existence, and even the vendor. Read more about efficiently and effectively managing risks in vendor relationships in Bryan’s HORNE Cyber blog below.  

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Topics: Vendor Management, Risk Management

November 10, 2016

Alphabet Soup: Understanding the Qualifications of Risk Management Professionals

Imagine you’ve just received an email from a potential vendor looking to make a connection. You notice that after his name in the signature block he has listed five abbreviations, all intended to make him appear qualified, reputable and knowledgeable. But what do the abbreviations actually mean? Are they relevant to the service you're trying to procure? 

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Topics: Risk, Risk Management