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May 05, 2016

How to Craft a High-Functioning Audit Committee

One of the benefits of working with a variety of clients is that the PMM team is able to observe excellence in governance first hand. Many of our clients are putting best practices to work in their organizations, and they have high expectations for the performance of their boards of directors and their audit committees. I’d like to share some of the traits I see as hallmarks of high-performing audit committees. You can use my observations to assess the performance of your own audit committee. After all, you might be one of the companies we think are the best.

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Topics: Audit, Board Members, Governance, Financial Reporting

December 03, 2015

How Will the New Lease Standard Impact Your Business?

If your company uses leases to acquire assets without huge cash outlays, to enjoy lower interest rates than is possible with loans, or to reduce the risks of ownership, you may need to re-examine your lease and purchase decisions very soon. On November 11, the Financial Accounting Standards Board voted to proceed with the issuance of a final Accounting Standards Update on leases in early 2016.

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Topics: Financial Reporting, Lease Standard